The Italian indie/alternative band Hence released the new single “Why Don’t We?” today.
The band’s work, away from the spotlight for almost two years, represents the first act of an album that is still unreleased and which will resume the path started in 2018 with the debut EP “hence”, capable of bringing the sound of the four Italian guys on the main stages of Northern Italy (Milan, Turin, Bologna, Modena and Genoa) and up to Germany.
“Why Don’t We? it is a highly introspective song, which investigates the fears and uncertainties related to the relationship with oneself and with the other” declared the members of the band.
“With this single we wanted to ask the listener an existential question more and more peculiar of modern times: the metaphor of the couple conflict, even violent, on which the text is based, serves to present obscure and still too little investigated themes such as gender violence and mental health”.
With “Why Don’t We?”, which comes after a period of inactivity lasting almost two years, the musicality of Hence changes. The 1980s pads, the complex structures and the post-rock rhythms to which we were used to in past works now leave room for more modern sounds, themes and images, as evidenced by the fast pace and brevity of this strongly radiophonic.