Born in a small suburb just outside of Toronto, ON, Loren Aronov was raised in a large household of music lovers, igniting her passion for singing and songwriting as early as she can remember. Now, she is developing her craft with some of the top producers in the game to create a catalogue of songs rarely seen by artists barely in their teens.

Pop single “Enemy” tells the story of two-faced friends who made Loren feel like she was doing something wrong and bringing out the worst in her.

What’s your story as an artist? 

I started singing at a very young age and my love for music was always big. As a child I use to sing in the car and I wanted to do more than that, so my mom decided to sign me up for singing lessons. My love for music grew more and more as the years went by and at this point i’m so grateful for all the amazing people I have met along the way like Lorraine Lawson and assuring me that if I keep working hard, take all opportunities that come my way and focusing on my goals I will have a very good chance at accomplishing my dream.

What do you want your music to communicate? 

I want people and teenagers my age to know that it is ok to be different, and it is ok to be weird sometimes, and Its ok if some people don’t like you for who you are, and you don’t need people to bring you down, and if you feel they are your enemies its ok to just let them go.

What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling? 

My source of inspiration for this song was my real life situations, the content that I wrote in my song is actually based on my real life experience, and for this particular song  I used my diary notes.

Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today? 

I would say that right now  Olivia Rodrigo inspires me the most with her life story telling 

What’s the record or artist that made you realize you wanted to be an artist? 

I am pretty sure that when I just started, Adele was my idol with her album 21

Tell us about your latest release and how it came about: 

My latest release is Enemy, When I was a little younger, between grades 4-6 I was bullied by a few friends at school. That made me feel really bad and made me feel like I was doing something wrong all the time. I co-wrote this song around the beginning of covid, when there was no one around and I felt comfortable to talk about my feelings and to let go of ‘Enemies” or better yet people that don’t deserve to be in my life.

What inspires your sound? 

Right now I like unique and weird sounds like you will soon In my new singles that will come out in the future 

What’s your favourite tune of yours? 

Right now it is Enemy but soon when my new music comes out there are so many favourites that I just love 

Where are some things you really want to accomplish as an artist? 

I really want people to hear my music, for the audience to relate to my struggles, I know that a lot of people are going through what I am going through and I want them to know they are not alone.

Favourite lyric you ever wrote? 

Im Ok, I’m just lonely, Don’t Be afraid of me, I am here to stay. Im ok, born this way, just an alien that’s Lost in space, Im ok 

Was there ever a moment when you felt like giving up? 

YES!!!, When my self esteem was really bad, and I just wanted to stay in bed and not do anything, believe it or not Covid helped me bring my self esteem up and I was able to write many new songs during that time.

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten? 

Trust yourself and believe in yourself even though you think other people don’t

Where do you think the next game changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene? 

I think the big game changer just happened Recently where everything had to go virtual and with no audience  and the next one will be going back on stage again, with so many new artists that have so much good material that is fresh.