Los Angeles-based vocalist, producer and multi-instrumentalist Cassie Marin is back with her new single, “Every Time I See The Ocean.”
Infusing her harmonic electro-pop beats with ethereal R&B vocals, “Every Time I See The Ocean” is an evocative and captivating listen. Confronting the malaise of alienation, Cassie opens her heart to anyone who has ever felt misunderstood. It’s a song about searching for acceptance in a world where people expect you to remain the same, finding comfort in change, and finding strength in the solitude and pain.
The title of the track — “Every Time I See The Ocean” — is an ode to Cassie’s upbringing near the beach. Expanding on this, she says, “I didn’t have anyone to play with as a child, but somehow the ocean had a presence so strong I forgot about my feelings of loneliness when I would swim in it. I remember daydreaming underwater and using my imagination in ways that felt so close to magic. I felt I metamorphosed in there. To this day I really do change drastically when I visit the ocean, it’s like taking a vitamin that induces me to refresh and be deeply honest with myself. This song is that to me, a dip into an underwater daydream.“
Arriving on the heels of “Tanto” and “Busy Body,” “Every Time I See The Ocean” is the newest glimpse of what to expect from Cassie’s forthcoming 2022 album. With these new songs, Cassie takes a propulsive leap with her songwriting, opening up about her most private battles and innermost thoughts.
Instead of succumbing to self-indulgence and pity, she wields her hardships as a portal to empower and transform. “I started pursuing music as a career because of what music did and still does for me; it saves me every day,” she says. “I want my music to be there for anyone and everyone who needs it the way that music was there for me.”
Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
I am always creating, writing, singing, and producing. In this flow is where my projects take shape. Somewhere in this process I realized that what I had created was telling a cohesive story about myself growing up.
What should a song or piece of art communicate, in your opinion?
Anything that is true.
Who were your top 3 artists last year?
My top listens are probably Circa Survive, Brand New & BONES
What do you do when you’re feeling uninspired?
I sing, really. I just sing and things begin to occur that take me out of whatever space I might find myself in that could seem dull or uninspiring.
What are your 2022 projects and goals?
All of me is focused on the release of my album and the creation of everything in its atmosphere.
Favorite movie or TV show?
At the moment my current favorite show is Dexter, New Blood. Favorite movie of all time, The Sound of Music.
Tell us about your latest release, “Every Time I See The Ocean,” and how it came about.
“Every time I See The Ocean”, specifically occurred just behind the mic while revisiting a piano piece I’d composed when I was seventeen, with Devon Corey. So, you could say that it began back in my post high-school era, but its nucleus came from my experiences as a little girl.
What is something you would want to change in the music and entertainment industry?
I think now more than ever the industry has been democratized, which is great. I am optimistic about the way things are going.
Can you outline your creative process?
I sit at my home studio (or wherever I am) and try to find myself with sounds. After that, in front of the mic, it is almost an out of body experience that takes me to places I can rarely predict. In the aftermath, it is about perfecting the details, going over takes and feeling new ideas out. When I work with producers I usually listen to the track once or twice before I am ready to stand in front of the mic and make sense of what the music is making ME feel, and thus allowing me to express. There is a lot of improvisation involved, other times I grab pen and paper when there is something that comes to mind even before the mic has been set up.

Who inspires your style and aesthetics?
My mood inspires my style and the aesthetics are driven by visions I have when listening to the music I am working on. Usually the moment I write a song there comes attached a vision with a style and mood.
What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?
Honestly, I am most proud of the album that I will be releasing. I have many moments in my career that brought me joy, but I don’t usually look back. My mind tends to look for the next thing before I even know it has.
What do you think an artist should sing about nowadays?
Anything that is TRUE!
Do you have any regrets?
Sometimes I regret eating that snack before bed
What is some piece of advice you would give to yourself right now?
I have a difficult time being easy on myself. It’s something I am practicing more often 🙂