Kami Kehoe is a Los Angeles-based, Vegas-raised, artist. She’s known for her powerful voice and as a dynamic drummer with electrifying performances that set the stage ablaze through a modern alternative-rock sound. With 24M+ views, she has caught attention across social media showcasing her live drumming. 

Tell us about Where did it all go wrong? What’s the story behind it?

“Where did it all go wrong” is about life flashing before your eyes with somebody. Not fully knowing why or how this person is out of your life. This song has emotions of regret, and reminiscing about your past with this person 

How was it working with John Feldman?

Working with John and Aaron on the record was super fun and easy, and everything flowed so well. They are both super talented people and I was honored to create with them. 

How did you get into music? What drew you towards playing drums?

I’ve been in love with music since I was a kid , from ages 6-16 I was a drummer, writer, and backup vocalist in a rock band with my 2 sisters, then I continued on as a solo artist, making songs and perfecting my craft, finding my sound. Music is my therapy and a huge part of my life. 

How does it feel to go viral and attract so much attention online? How can someone manage it in order to benefit from it?

Going viral on social media has been a trip, and i’m so beyond blessed for all the people ive been able to reach, and my dream is to save lives through my music, so being able to reach such a big audience through social media is incredible  , and I will continue to share my journey as I make share my music with the world, and help people as much as I can. 

Who’s your favorite drummer?

Shelia e, Tommy lee, glen sobel 

What kind of message do you want to convey with your music?

I always want listeners to consume my message however they relate. I think the most special part of making art is when someone actually understands and relates to it, and when they feel the emotions you feel, I love being able to have that connection with people. In every song I make I try to keep it universal so it can reach everyone. Writing to me has always been my theory session, so each song always has a different story, whether that’s about motivation, society, self reflection, love, heart break, etc. 

What’s your advice for young women that want to become poly instrumentalists and artists like you? 

Don’t be afraid to start, there is no wrong way to make art, the only wrong way to make art is not making any at all. Everyone has to start somewhere, and remember your dreams are never too big, have faith in yourself.  

What are you working on these days? Anything you can share?

I’m working on a lot of new things, with some incredible people, and I can’t wait to share all of that with you guys this year. Right now I’m really focusing on writing and putting together a concept album that I think the world needs right now, and I can’t wait to share it.