Photo Credit Lou Harvard
The LA-based artist originally teased the single on TikTok early in 2022 to overwhelming support from her online “hot-girl” fanbase. “Hoes Have Feelings Too” combines raw lyricism and an addictive hook for a record that feels utterly unique for the times. Inspired by Chloe’s own experiences as a sensitive kid grown up to now have to navigate toxic dating culture, she advocates that women have depth. You can be both sexually-active and emotional. Don’t you dare put Chloe Tangin a box.
Chloe also says she wanted to speak to the double-standard against a majority of sexually active and open women. “If you’re gonna call me a hoe, then I’m gonna embrace it and live my best life. Just don’t forget we’re people too and we have feelings, so in the wise words of Doja Cat “play with my pussy but don’t play with my emotions”.
How did you come up with this strong title? Any life event or experience inspired it?
I love the phrase “Hoes Have Feelings Too” because it’s such a delicious mixture of empowerment and satire. There are a lot of different angles to the lyrics in the song, but my intention was just to write a song that did the title justice.
I wrote this song as a statement about the double standard and bad rep that women get when they choose to be openly sexually active. Like, if you’re going call me a hoe, then I’m going to embrace it…. Just don’t forget we’re people too and we have feelings so in the wise words of Doja Cat “Play with my pussy but don’t play with my emotions”.
Would you say this track reflects your overall vibe as an artist or do you have a softer side?
This song is definitely a reflection of both my strength and softness. It’s about my own experiences being an extremely sensitive kid who used to cry at sleepovers until I was in 3rd grade because I’d get home sick. I’ve always found that I’ve surrendered to my emotions.
Now that emotional kid is all grown-up, living in LA, and navigating in a pretty harsh industry. Alongside that, not to mention how dating in LA has shifted to a toxic and disconnected hook-up culture. I, of course, like everyone, have had my “hoe phases”. Mostly following a breakup. I’ve watched my close friends go on dates, sleep with people, then never talk to them again and simply move on with their life… and that emotional Chloe inside of me never understood that. I’m still constantly battling with my true emotional-softy self and realized no matter how hard I’ve tried it’s always been tough to tune out my feelings. But now I embrace them and just do me!

What does your day to day life look like? Are there some things you like to do every day to keep you motivated?
My day to day life is so unpredictable. Sometimes I’m at home answering emails and cleaning my house but some days I have back to back meetings and writing sessions and shows. It’s really so different every day, which I actually love about my life. I would not do well with a 9-5 job. I do try to journal or meditate at least once a day… lately I’ve been slacking a lot but that usually helps my productivity level quite a bit. I also take my dogs on a walk at least once a day and that is really calming as well.
Since this track addresses the double standard of embracing your sexuality, what does sexuality mean to you? If it has any particular meaning?
To me, sexuality is such a huge part of a person because it’s the most natural, primal part of a human and that connects to all your other physical and mental functions. It’s taboo to talk about or express (although we’re making strides) so I think it’s important to ignore those ‘rules’ and just wear what I want, talk openly about sex/sexual preferences and support others who are doing the same thing. I think it actually leads to a much happier and confident life, and I want everyone to be able to experience that.
What are some things you really wanna do before you die?
I would love to go on tour. That’s a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. At this point in my life I’d just like to achieve some career goals I think. Another thing I want to do is find a hobby. I know that sounds so crazy but I’ve never truly had a hobby that I do purely for fun. All the interests I’ve ever had have always had something to do with music or entertainment and I just want to be able to sit down and crochet or some shit lol.
What inspires your aesthetics and overall vibe?
To be honest I just like what I like and don’t suppress it at all. It’s a long journey as an artist to find an aesthetic that matches your personality and music but I’ve learned over time that you just have to let yourself like stuff, even if it’s weird. I have always been a little emo kid at heart so I find myself gravitating towards clothes with very little color. And I remember once I tried to purposefully buy more pieces with color because I thought I needed to balance our my wardrobe but I never ended up wearing any of it. So I stopped fighting it.
What is something you want to change, improve or start doing in 2023?
Honestly, this year has really felt like an extension of 2022 so far, just because I’ve been working on the rollout of my new song HHFT for a few months now. But it’s been a great feeling to get a new song out at the top of the year. So, I’d have to say I just need to catch up on all my personal New Years goals/resolutions lol.