Like a ghost between worlds, Leo Lauren roams from visual art to music, sci-fi surrealist video, performance, and virtual reality in his hand-stitched Frankenstenian outfits. His art and music collapse histories and pastiche genres into distinctly gothic, glittery, pop mutations all while synthesizing a unique sonic character. In Leo Lauren’s supernormal omniverse, turmoil, longing, love, fear, and fantasy collide to take on strange and exciting shapes and sounds.
“When I started writing this song. Uh, I was just thinking about being in in one place, being in this pretty tropical zone, and then thinking about other things, thinking about people elsewhere, thinking about, um, things that weren’t in the space around me and, you know, feeling a lot of kind of feeling a lot of anxiety because because of that.
So I thought it was kind of a the song kind of started working out where it was like, you know, with these open chords and just thinking about something that felt Paradise y and tropical and blissful, but then trying to put that together with, you know, having these other thoughts and feelings that didn’t fit so well in that, in that setting. And I think a lot of my music or like what I’m interested in, is trying to put those things together.”