Photo Credit: Brian Ziff

What can you tell us about Jenny’s Got A boyfriend? Inspiration, story behind it, etc?

I always wanted to write a song with a person’s name in the title, and when I rediscovered “Jesse’s Girl” I realized I was having a similar experience! My friend’s boyfriend was such a flirt with everyone and really laid it on thick, haha! Of course nothing ever happened- it was just an outlet to express my little fantasy, and my friends and I would blast it in the car and laugh about what a rake he was!

You co-directed the video for this. How do you approach direction vs being an artist?

I’m such a perfectionist and kind of a control freak (artistically speaking) that I find it incredibly satisfying to call the shots and see exactly what I want to see on screen. I really enjoy directing actors as well, because as an actor myself it’s so nice to have somebody give me feedback and guide me. I love talking it through with them and watching them add their own spin on the characters.

What inspires your looks and aesthetics for this video?

For whatever reason I’ve always been obsessed with that late 70’s early 80’s roller skating aesthetic. I have some core memories from going to the roller rink as an adolescent, and I guess Boogie Nights had a huge impact on me as a teenager, cuz I’ve been trying to recreate that aesthetic ever since!

What about Hot City?

Hot City is my own personal paradise. I wrote the title track in Miami, and I’ve always romanticized the grit and glamor of 80’s Miami, so I pulled from the iconic style of the era and combined it with my life long love of California, which has always been a huge part of my identity as an artist. The 80’s were such a wild time aesthetically and I’m just fascinated with it all; the color palettes, the silhouettes, the campy sci fi and sexy danger of it all.

What’s the main track in the record and why?

It’s funny, I wrote this album 10 years ago when I was signed to a major label, and when I reopened the songs to reproduce and touch them up, my favorite was constantly changing. Songs that I thought were just B sides ended up being some of my favorites, like “Jenny’s Got A Boyfriend” and “Don’t Get Mad Get Famous” – but I think “Hot City” really encompasses the playful, colorful vibe of the album. However, “SLAY” is a kind of inspirational sparkle anthem that captures the spirit of perseverance, which is really what got me here in the first place. Too hard to decide!

How does it feel to be a solo artist after being behind so many hits?

It’s incredibly liberating and satisfying, for sure. I am a very visual artist, I’d say that’s half the fun for me, and while writing with other artists is an absolute blast and I LOVE creating song babies with talented fascinating people, It’s incredibly fulfilling to get to also build worlds with the visuals and deliver my songs with my own voice and body. Performing is what makes me feel the most alive, whether I’m on stage or in front of the camera.

What do you really want to accomplish in your career as a solo artist?

I really want to marry my music and my passion for storytelling, directing, and acting, so I’d like to explore where that takes me. I of course would love to have a #1 song of my own, but on my decade long journey to Hot City, I’ve realized that it truly isn’t about arriving at the destination, it’s about the adventure of getting there, so as long as I am enjoying creating art, I feel like that is my idea of success. That being said…I’m tryina win an EGOT, haha!