Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
I always wanted to be a singer, but I didn’t have the natural singing ability that some people are born with, so I just thought that was that. I knew that I needed to do something in the music industry so I was planning to go to school for production, but that still didn’t feel right. I realized what really fueled my passion was live music, so I started to get better at the piano, ukulele, drums and guitar. I was relying on friends to sing for me and to write with, but no one took it quite as seriously as I did. Thank God for YouTube, because after watching many “vocal coach reacts” videos, I realized that I could in fact learn to sing and I began taking voice lessons in 2019. My first song Teenage Years came about because I had a moment where I was like, “I just need to put something out. I need something to show for.” I overthink absolutely everything about my music, and get tired of my music extremely fast, but luckily Teenage Years came about super easily. My intentions for my music is to help people feel uplifted and understood, while also being very open about my life and struggles.
How would you describe the highs and lows of being an artist?
I’m very fortunate to not have faced too many lows yet, but I’ve definitely had a few. As an artist it all feels very personal, especially as a singer because that’s my voice. So my ego has taken a few hits from rejection. It’s also super frustrating when I hit a creative block or I’m having a hard time finding motivation to do anything, because I know being an artist takes a lot of hard work and dedication. The highs make it all worth it, though. Like I said before, my work feels very personal, so when someone likes it, it feels amazing. Whenever someone recognizes my hard work or my talent it gives me the hugest boost of confidence. And overall, the highs make me feel so proud of myself.
Who are your all time musical icons?
Oh my God, I have so many. Joan Jett, Alanis Morissette, Billie Eilish, Julia Michaels, Olivia O’Brien, and Lana Del Rey. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting.
What are some things to do to keep your inspiration alive?
I think imagination is the key to keeping your inspiration alive. Let yourself daydream, think of things that have happened in your life from different perspectives, let your inner child come out for a minute. Also when I need some inspiration, I’ll watch videos of my favorite artists and then I’m like, “That’s what I need to be doing, that’s where I wanna be, let’s go.”
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
Definitely Billie Eilish. I love her music, I love her as a person, I think she’s so talented and creative. Honestly, her documentary pushed me to put a song out because it inspired me so much. It was the only thing I watched for like 2 weeks, and I made everyone watch it with me.
Favorite activity to blow off some steam?
I nap like a small child, so that’s truly one of my favorite things to do to blow off steam. But I also like to meditate, play Animal Crossing or The Sims 4, journal, and watch TV to relax.
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
One day I was messing around in Garageband, just practicing making beats, and I ended up with the instrumentals for Teenage Years. I had been heavily reminiscing on being a teenager, after turning 20 this year. The end of 2020 became an absolute disaster for me when my boyfriend passed away. Shortly after, I turned 20 on the day that just so happens to be his birthday, too. I was filled (and still am) with this overwhelming feeling of nothing ever being the same. During my teenage years (no pun intended), I could not wait to grow up, get older, all that stupid shit. Now, I would give anything to go back. Even hanging out with friends has changed, and maybe we can blame some of that on the pandemic, but getting drunk in parking lots just makes you feel like a dirtbag after the age of 19. I ended up writing the lyrics for Teenage Years and recording it in my bed. The whole song from start to finish took me the span of 24 hours. I really liked the song and didn’t hate it after a day like I usually do, so I made the terrifying decision that I was not going to over think it, and put it out as my first single.
What are some things you do to deal with anxiety and creative blocks?
When I’m dealing with anxiety and creative blocks I think the most important thing to do is not force yourself. Sometimes you need a break from being creative to let yourself get new inspiration. In those times I try to spend time in nature, go for walks, meditate, and if I do want to do some creative work I keep my expectations low and think of it as practice.
What’s the future looking like for you?
It’s hard to say since I’m just starting out, but there will definitely be a lot more music from me in the future. I can’t wait to put out more singles and make an album one day. I’ll be performing more, and I really hope one day I’ll be able to go on tour. I also see me hopefully working with more people in the future so I can focus more on the aspects of making music that I enjoy.

Who inspires your style and aesthetics?
Honestly, there’s not a lot of specific people that inspire my style and aesthetic besides Billie Eilish. I think I take a lot of inspiration from the people around me, the artists I listen to, things I see on social media, but I pick and choose which parts I want to incorporate into my aesthetic. My style is basically me and all the people and things that have made me appreciate those things.
What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?
Right now is the moment I’m proudest of in my career. I’m so proud of myself for actually going for it, and getting Teenage Years out for others to enjoy. I can’t believe how well people have been reacting to it, and how much support I’ve been receiving. I’m so happy that I’ve finally placed the first stepping stone for the rest of my career.
What do you think is the best way to make it as an artist nowadays?
There’s so much information being thrown at you as a new artist, yet at the same time none of the information you actually need. I think the best way to make it as an artist is to just be you, be authentic, do what you feel is right for your art. Listen to all the tips and tricks, but make it work for you. I also think any new artist should definitely take advantage of social media, because there’s never been a more accessible way to gain supporters. And try not to be afraid of rejection! Tell everyone about your music, promote it, believe that your art is good enough!
What would you change in the music and entertainment industry especially after this past year?
I haven’t really known the music and entertainment industry before the pandemic, so I can’t say how it’s affected it and what I would change pertaining to that. But, in the short time I’ve been in this industry I’ve already noticed so many things that need to be changed, and I fully intend to make that a part of my work. All the important information about the music and entertainment industry is extremely gate kept. Everyone is so concerned about being the best and getting ahead of everyone else that they don’t care about supporting other artists. We need more collaboration over competition. You shouldn’t have to know the right person, or have famous parents, or be rich to be able to get the resources you need to make it in this industry.