What’s your story as an artist?
As a kid I went to an art school in Europe, but unfortunately for me, I was probably the shyest kid to show my skills there. I was definitely the loudest , but never dared to fully share what I could do artistically . I would spend hours singing in my room, and just watching music videos, I was fascinated, truly.
When I grew older I got into the modeling business, and instantly fell in love with film photography. Then I started writing poetry , because I was going and dealing with a lot…definitely more than an average 17 year- old would go through. Poetry kinda became therapy, a very torturous one, but it felt good for the soul. Fast forward I started going to recording studios, took singing classes, and learned song-writing.
Everything changed when I decided to start producing. I invested and disciplined myself a lot to get to a point where I was like (okay that’s dope, I think I’m ready for someone legit to hear it). So here I am talking to you, about this crazy journey hahaha.
What inspired this last release?
I was always obsessed with such movies like Scarface and Casino. The only problem was that I always wanted to be the mane guy, not just like a trophy girlfriend or wife you’d parade around.
I wanted to write a song about ‘’f you’’ money. A song about a female being in charge and not trying to hide it, while remembering the true values in life that you can’t always put a price tag on .
Do you get inspired by other art forms?
I think most of us are a product of our environment. I go so literal with that saying to the point of the blue sky and the passing pigeon inspiring me .For me that’s a form of art. Art is life – life is art. Besides that my main inspirations are always film, people, music of course and me, I inspire myself on a daily basis.
Any funny anecdotes from the time you were recording or writing this?
To be completely honest, I’m a walking anecdote. Recording time is my happy time, so for me to keep an open mind and make everyone in the room laugh and feel decompressed is quite important.
What’s your favorite place or environment to write?
You can’t really stop a creative flow, so I write stuff and ideas down all throughout the day.
Then I kinda sit down in my home studio, probably with a glass of tequila on the rocks just doing what I do.A song can start with a word, an idea or a picture. Anything really.

What’s a record that shaped your creativity?
That’s simple. Good Kid, M.A.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar.That record practically changed my life single-handedly.It changed my perceptions, my values, it shaped me in so many wonderful and crazy ways, that i never imagined music can ever shape. This record still motivates me to this day.
Who is an artist or band you look up to today?
I mean…after the previous question, I think it’s pretty clear Kendrick Lamar is my hero. Enough said really (hahahah).He’s not only someone i look up to but someone i’m very thankful to.
What excites you the most about what you do ?
Probably being able to make people that listen to my music to feel like they matter. To feel like they do have a voice, and that they are not alone. I’m privileged everyday to do what I do and if I made your day with a verse or two, well then I’ve accomplished my mission.

What is your view on genres and music styles since you mix a lot of them in your music?
I absolutely hate musical categorisation. I grew up on everything starting with Slipknot ending with Chopin to KanYe .For me music is music, and that’s all it is to it really. Once again, I’m a product of my environment .
What does music and art mean to you?
Life. It might sound quite cheesy but I just deeply enjoy and live for the act of creating. I don’t remember one day since I can remember myself that I wasn’t writing something, singing something, learning some instrument or just banging a beat on the dinner table while my grandmother is serving supper. It’s just what I do, it’s like asking me if I can imagine myself without Me.
How would you describe your act in one word?
Loud (hahaah).You’ll definitely realize when i step in the room. I always have something to say. Always had, have and will have (hahah).