Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
I was approached by vacancy records. They wanted to know if I had a country style album in me. So I wrote the record all through 2020, and signed with them at Christmas.
How did you get to where you are now?
Only the universe knows that one.
What is the favorite song you wrote and why?
I’m very fond of Angry Man. It says everything for me about life. My life. Maybe other people’s lives. Every emotion in a day. Maybe it means nothing at all. Who knows…
Who are your all time musical icons?
The doors
Elliott Smith
Pink Floyd
John martyn
Jeff buckley
Neil Young
Nick drake
Jimi hendrix
What are some things to do to keep your inspiration alive?
To keep it alive I have pick up the guitar and try again But I feel not trying, and trusting it will come is better. I get inspired by the weather. The rain. And the eerie silence of the dark ante meridiem.
Who are you binge listening to these days?
Peter drakes forever
Robert Johnson
Jeff buckleys Posthumous recordings
Favorite movie or TV show?
Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
It took a year to write this album. Wrote it throughout 2020. I recorded strange Desire at a studio in Glasgow called Green door with engineer Ronan Fay, n Sam Smith Took a little over two weeks, and performed it all live.
Do you have any peculiar pre or post show rituals?
I just pretend I feel calm. Have a couple of drinks. Try and avoid talking to anyone,
Then showtime!
What’s the future looking like for you?
No idea. All I can do is focus on the present. It’s the best way to stay sane
Who inspires your style and aesthetics?
What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?
Selling out the Barrowlands in Glasgow.Playing to a full king tuts tent at t in the park.
Performing at the L’Olympia Bruno Coquatrix. There’s a lot of grateful moments,
But the ultimate achievement I feel for any artist is to still be able to survive in this destroyed industry. And be able to keep doing what you love no matter how difficult it is.
What do you think is the best way to make it as an artist nowadays?
Don’t give up and and just focus on your art and nothing else.

What would you change in the music and entertainment industry especially after this past year?
Everything ha
Everyone wants to be a pop star, or rock star these days. But it’s now become what you look like, rather than what you sound like. What’s on the outside, rather than the inside. And they’ve made it incredibly difficult now for musicians, and writers to make a living. Making music a Freebie giveaway. A song cost less than a cup of coffee.
Even though it LASTS LONGER I think the artists, and the audience should be in complete charge of the industry now