“My Name (In Your Mouth)” is a thunderous, angsty offering from the 22-year-old singer/songwriter that mixes rebellion with punchy vocals and highlights his DGAF attitude.
Of the track, John states, “I wrote this song after coming across a comment from a kid from my high school who said I was “still as big of a douchebag as ever” after a TikTok video of mine blew up. I think it’s funny how I have had a lot of misconceptions about me from people I grew up with that didn’t get to know me and my personality, so I wanted to write a song about my story and make fun of myself in the process. I always appreciate people’s love and hate, as long as they’re honest with me. As long as you have “my name in your mouth” I know I’m doing something right, and this song is the perfect way to kick off this record to let people know I’m here, and here to stay.”
Harvie’s edgy vocals and charming personality fittingly arrived at the forefront of the resurgence of a new era of rock music. Coupled with a clear vision of his artistry, Harvie’s impending success proves to be just around the corner. Look out 2022…
Tell us about your story as an artist
I hate starting the story off with mentioning COVID, but right as it hit was when my life changed. I was still in school studying music business/commercial songwriting at MTSU and since we weren’t on campus it gave me a lot of time to think. I had always been an artist in multiple bands as the singer, but wanted to do my own thing. I felt like the school did a phenomenal job of preparing me for the music industry, but as an artist I feel like you have to move on and actually go into the field to learn things that the classroom can’t teach you. I made the decision to drop out of school and work at UPS during the night shifts to pay for the bills. While I was doing that, I was trying out tik tok and had one of my videos go viral overnight and woke up to like 18k followers and was like “woah people actually give a shit about my voice.” Labels started hitting me up but I barely had any demos but it started the conversation for me and I started writing like crazy to try to shop songs under the table. One video that I teased of my first song “Bleach” did pretty well and I decided to put it out after coming up with a really intentional release plan. The song BLEW my expectations away and ended up doing really well and after I dropped my second single “Alaina” I had my label 300 Entertainment take a chance on me and ended up signing with them. It was an absolute grind for 7 months of constant writing and working but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve been a ginormous rock fan my whole life, and my dad put me on to all sorts of rock bands like Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, and Foo Fighters as a kid so it’s in my blood. I absolutely love this genre and I love that I can make the music I love for my career and people resonate with it.
What do you think is the most important aspect of your life right now?
My team, no questions asked. The people I work with are like my family. I’ve been able to bring on some of my best friends and the others who I’ve brought along have become peers rather than colleagues. So many artists try to do so much by themselves but they make my life so easy so I can focus on the artistry. I really value building relationships with other people and if you’re on my team, you win. I always gotta put on for my team and I can’t do this without them. Rent is due every day and they keep me grounded and supported.
What makes this song special in your opinion?
This song starts of my upcoming record with a kick in the face. It tells my story while I get to make fun of myself and I love how it’s fast and honest. It’s one of the few songs that is very niche but really true to me and I feel like people can value the honesty in the song. The write itself was so quick and natural and I’m in love with the track.

What inspired this track?
Someone from my highschool commented on a video of mine that went viral calling me a “douchebag” and I thought it was hilarious. I never perceived myself as one, but from the outside looking in I guess he/she (comment was anonymous) thought that. I thought it was the perfect way to tell my story and about the misconceptions people have had about me my whole life. It’s the perfect combination of confident yet self aware and it’s a fast paced banger that has grown to be one of my favorite songs.
What are some of the core messages here?
Everybody has an opinion on you, but it doesn’t always mean they’re right cause they don’t know your story and I wanted to get that across as one of the main points on the album. As long as you’re honest about what you think of me I’ll never get offended and I think it’s equally important to be able to make fun of yourself in the process. Have fun and be yourself, but if you’re also able to take the heat, I think that’s special.
How do you think tik tok and social media are contributing to change an artist’s career?
It’s funny cause a lot of artists go on all sorts of rants about how they hate social media, and to be completely candid I thought the same thing but we have an opportunity that artists in previous generations didn’t have, and that’s complete exposure. You can make the most stupid video and go viral overnight, so what if I make videos of what I love to do and it does the same thing? It’s perfect. I view it as a tool to share my art with others that I’ve never met and that excites me because I think I’m exciting and good at what I do. I love comments about how people don’t usually listen to my type of music but they really connect with it and dig the Melodies. If it weren’t for social media I wouldn’t be where I’m at, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves and how I can continue to be creative outside of a song writing/live performance setting.
What excites you about your life?
The opportunity that I currently have to put out my first album. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of as a kid and now it’s becoming a reality and it blows my mind everyday. I do what I love to do and I’m able to get paid for it??? That’s insanity and something a lot of people don’t get to do in their lives so I try to never take it for granted. This is the album I’ve always wanted to make and nothing excites me more than being able to share this with the world.
What are some of your core values as a human being?
I hit on it earlier but relationship building. Being the son of a pastor I got to see my dad every day interact with others that he never knew but was really intentional about caring for them and taking care of them. You may not always remember the first time meeting someone if you’re in a position of meeting a lot of people but they’ll always remember you. I absolutely love getting to know about people on my team and learning who they are as a person because I have to trust you and you have to trust me ya know? Nothing will make somebody want to work hard for you more than building report and trust with them. Always respect others and be honest and that will take you so far.
What are your projects for this year?
BROOOO I HAVE AN ALBUM DROPPING!! We’re going to put out a couple more singles and then roll out the record. It’s the perfect “coming of age” album and tells my story as a 21 to now 22 year old kid figuring out life and talking about all my ups and downs in the process. I hope people can relate to my honestly and vulnerability as an artist and person, while also jamming this absolute HEAT in the car. I love my job and what I do and I know it will translate through your ears. Watch out for “told ya.” In 2022