‘Phenomena of the Mind’ is a re-mastered EP of selected tracks from the album of the same name released by Mieko Shimizu in 2006, the year after the London Terror attacks. Something dispirited and unexplainable lay heavy in the air of the sprawling city we lived and breathed. In the title song, ‘Phenomena of the Mind’, her intense Japanese rap echoed the deafening noise of the chaotic streets we walk each day. “Visualise”, she said, “try to imagine a way to fight your way out of this ominous, dystopian world.”
In the track ‘Signal Found’, the theme continues to shattered Dance Hall beats that reverberate to the “twisted sound of broken down London town.”
“Have you lost the plot? Are you ok?” she asks?
“While walking through the crowded streets of London one day, I found myself immersed in countless waves of people, flowing like a river, I suddenly felt like I was existing in another dimension and moving through transparent crowds.
I felt that this had happened to me before, exactly like this but how could this be possible? Had I made this happen by the power of my own imagination. If I “visualise” something strongly enough, can I make it happen? Was this “déjà vu”? Or all was the Phenomena of my Mind?”