Rock band Moon Fever is back to show us their plans for the rest of the summer. In a SPIN takeover with fans, the band shared their newest music video for their track, “Single All Summer,” directed and produced by longtime collaborator Cory Ingram and edited by Brandon Wolford. The video is set in a classic 70s diner and follows the band through a round of speed dating, letting loose in front of their dates while crooning “no one’s going to have me wrapped up, wrapped around their finger.” The video switches from speed dates to a performance when Moon Fever rocks out in the diner and frontman Cody Jasper sings to the camera in a pair of zebra sunglasses. When speaking about the music video, Moon Fever says they wanted to capture the vibrant energy of a local diner on a hot summer day:
Coupled with the music video, the band just wrapped a tour supporting Hinder. The band is also billed on the Northwoods Rocks Rally Resurrection Festival lineup and will be supporting Buckcherry on their Wisconsin tour date.
Their hedonistic, larger-than-life sound might recall a more hellacious period of rock ‘n’ roll history, but make no mistake: Moon Fever is a band built for modern times. Vocalist Cody Jasper and guitarist Mitch Micoley trade-in high-octane garage-infused riffs, soaring vocals, and debaucherous storytelling to simultaneously raise eyebrows and fists. It’s unfiltered, honest-to-god rock with a sonic upgrade for today’s listeners’ discerning ears.
Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
MITCH: Well, it all started with the songs me and Cody wrote in a studio apartment in LA… but with a lot of work, and good people behind us. We’re finally on tour playing shows across the country.
What does music and being an artist mean to you?
MITCH: It means a lot to me. It’s all I’ve ever known to do, in the words of John Lennon “I’m an artist, if you give a tuba I’ll get you something out of it”.
What are some sources of inspiration for your lyrics and storytelling?
MITCH: It usually comes like a lightning strike and I’m like “wow, that’s a good idea”, and then it’s just a jigsaw puzzle from there. But the ones that come naturally are always the best.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
MITCH: Right now I’m really into The Sherlocks, and Holly Humberstone
All time favorite record?
MITCH: Exile on Main Street
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about.
MITCH: Single All Summer is a fun, up-tempo song about, saying f*ck it and just living your life and doing what you want to do. Not being tied down to anything
You seem to be fusing several musical genres. What inspires your sound?
MITCH: I personally just look at us as a rock band but we’re a combination of all the things we like musically.
What are some things you do to deal with anxiety and creative blocks?
MITCH: lately I’ve had more ideas then I know what to do with, but if I get stuck I drop what I’m working on. Then come back when it feels right.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
MITCH: Touring, writing songs, and making more records. The train doesn’t stop.
Your style is very original and elaborate. How do you take care of your aesthetics?
MITCH: The sound comes from us, so whatever that is, we just serve the song.
What was the most daunting moment in your career so far?
MITCH: Maybe outside of almost dying a few times on the road… One time we had a semi flip over in front of us. It’s been a fun road we’ve been on.
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
MITCH: Buddy Guy once told me the secret to being great in music is to just keep doing it. I love that!
Where do you think the next game changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene?
MITCH: It’s going to be nice for the industry in general to come back post Pandemic. Touring back up and running is one of the best things to happen to me!