Khailana is a genre-bending ethereal art-pop fairy who writes and produces from her forest home in Te-Whanganui-A-
Tara, Aotearoa (New Zealand). Angelic, layered vocals, experimental production and emotional otherworldly story telling are some of the tricks she uses to lure you into her realm.

“Diamond Boy” is dreamy and vivid – a dramatic, playful yet tragically introspective musing on being so caught up in your lover’s world that you lose yourself. The bittersweet alt-pop track opens to a delicate, heavenly soundscape which slowly builds to an emotional cinematic release. Swells of angelic vocals, strings and slide guitar dance over a climactic drum performance – mirroring the swell of emotions that come in nostalgia of lost love (and lost self).”

Shot by – Isabel Corfiatis/Abstract Bear Productions

Concept – Khailana

Editing – Sam Butler/Resonate Media

Hair/Makeup/Wardrobe – Khailana Kendrick

As a quiet daydreamer, she often found comfort in imaginary worlds and stories, which felt safer than this one. In a way, these worlds have made their way into her music. Fantasy and reality don’t feel so separate anymore though – there is a magic which weaves this world together and she hopes for her music to be a reminder of that.

Photographer/editing – Isabel Corfiatis
Hair/makeup/wardrobe – Khailana Kendrick

Photographer/editing – Sam Butler/Resonate Media
Hair/makeup/wardrobe – Khailana Kendrick