British artist ONUR pursues the exploration of his Turkish heritage with his new piece of music Ölüm Gelene Kadar Yüzüm Kanadı, that will be released in two parts with an acoustic version.
The singer-songwriter-producer launched his career back in 2018 and his English body of work was acclaimed across the globe with features on The Fader, EARMILK, Konbini, BBC Radio London, KRCW and editorial support from Spotify & Deezer. Shortly before the pandemic, ONUR found himself in Turkey, his home country, where he had been invited to produce for major local pop stars like EDIS and Mabel Matiz. Raised in London, he jumped on the opportunity to extend his trip, allowing for a full immersion in Turkish culture.
During his stay, he rediscovered his roots that he finally took time to truly understand. This sparked a musical experimentation, harmonising his initial western r&b/pop sound with traditional instruments and unique rhythms hailing from Turkish gypsy and folk music (Türkü).
What’s your story as an artist?
My story as an artist is somewhat interesting I have to say. I had been releasing music from 2018 to the 2020 and had a fast and steady progression and a very clear plan. After the pandemic hit, that all changed. A pop star in Turkey had picked up on my production and artistry and asked me to produce for him before the pandemic and initially I didn’t really want to do it haha. But after 4 months in lockdown it certainly looked like an attractive offer. While out there producing for him, I was so inspired by my heritage and country that I decided to make some Turkish music myself. For the longest time it’s a side of me that I had suppressed, so this adventure really scratched that itch. And now I’m running this Turkish side of me as well as carrying on some projects back in the UK! I’m just trying to make sense of this new world like the rest of us so that the story so far!
What do you want your music to communicate?
I’m not too sure how I can put that into words at this point in my career (and life), but so far I’m definitely here to communicate love, being a misfit and trying to show a different and new way of expression. Especially in my Turkish music. Because I didn’t grow up in Turkey, I definitely have a completely fresh take on what Turkish music is as I’ve always looked at it from the outside rather than in. Those eastern scales and percussion… That’s just a fascinating new world for me.
What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?
Honestly is just day to day life, love and everything in between. I try to keep it as honest as possible. I like to speak truth in metaphors and I like to communicate my truth the most honest way I can at that time.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
Haha it’s funny. I don’t really look up to anyone these days! I feel like with this Turkish music especially, these is no reference for it because it’s so new: I’m kind of just vibing to the whole country and scene I find myself in.

What’s the record or artist that made you realize you wanted to be an artist?
I’d say Michael Jackson. He’s someone you just watch and get inspired by. His energy is unmatched.
Tell us about your latest release Ölüm Gelene Kadar Yüzüm Kanadi and how it came about.
It came about through me listening to Turkish folk songs! I was in a really bad place (as were we all) at points during this pandemic. I didn’t get paid for a production gig I had and I had no money. I felt like the world was against me, especially in a country that felt somewhat foreign to me at the time, no matter how familiar it may be. And I thought to myself in the heat of it, before I die, life is already kind of a bitch. Sorry for the downer but that’s the honest truth of that song haha.
What inspires your sound?
I’d say a mixture of modern music and traditional Turkish music. Nothing I can generally pinpoint but just generally whatever’s trending and how I can incorporate that trending sound into my niche tastes I guess.
What’s your favorite tune of yours?
I’ll just go with my brand new song Ölüm Gelene Kadar Yüzüm Kanadi!
What are some things you really want to accomplish as an artist?
I’d say to have the opportunity to sell out shows and to really connect with a group of people.
Favorite lyric you ever wrote?
Ölüm gelene kadar yüzüm kanadi 😉 (My face bled before death came upon me)

Was there ever a moment when you felt like giving up?
Haha yeah of-course! This is not an easy industry! But hey I love music so I keep going!
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Do it for you, don’t do it for anyone else.
What do you think the next game-changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene?
Honestly, NFT’s… it’s like its own form of cryptocurrency!