Tell us about yours story as a group
We started playing shows in the Allston diy scene in 2018 under a variety of names (most of them bad) and were more focused on a garage punk sound. Over the pandemic we decided to switch up our style to a more melodic emo-infused indie rock and renamed ourselves Dino Gala to cement the change in our bands music.
What do you think is the most important aspect of your life right now?
Honestly, I’m trying to remember to drink water every day and generally just take of my wellbeing and my body haha
What makes this song special in your opinion?
I’m not sure how it’s special among all the music that’s out there, but it’s kinda cool to me because it feels like something that calls back to our old project. I think it’s the last thing we’re releasing that feels like it would have fit in among our old songs.
What inspired this track?
Falling out with a friend after a weird acid trip together, and coming to grips with the state my life was in when we fell out.
What are some of the core messages here?
I don’t think there’s like a really strong message, it’s kind of just a mix of self-loathing and disdain for someone else and how those feelings interact.
How do you think tik tok and social media are contributing to change an artist’s career?
I really think if you’re not using TikTok as a musician, you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot. It’s different than most social media beforehand in that instagram, twitter and Facebook can to a degree bring you in new fans, but mostly it’s about fan retention. And unlike YouTube, its algorithm is curated to show your music to people who like people in a similar genre. It isn’t a perfect app by far, there’s a lot of problems, but it is an extremely useful tool for musicians these days.

WHat excites you about your life?
We can’t give out the exact details until stuff is put down in stone, but we’re going to be doing a really sick co-tour with a band this summer!
What are some of your core values as a human being?
I have no core values – my entire being is minuscule in comparison to the vast ocean of space and the eternal march of time. If you gaze into the abyss long enough, the abyss will gaze back
What are your projects for this year?
So we are currently working on two EP’s, one done in the studio and one home recorded. We’re really excited to share them with people, and its going to be a lot of fun releasing two pretty different projects. Besides that we’re also going on tour this spring and summer, and keep writing what will most likely be our debut LP.