Tell us your story
I started out with producing in high school. I would make hip hop beats when I was starting out but as time passed I branched out and started making different genres. One day I just felt that the next step for me was to start making my own songs, not just beats, so I started working to get better at that. And now here we are!
What is the song you are most proud of so far?
My favorite song I’ve written is “Honest” (the single that just came out)! It’s my favorite because of the production of Samuel Wullur. I thought the song was dope when I sent him the original demo, but he really helped to flesh out the song and make it groove. It’s got a really cool energy throughout the song that really just feels like a mood-booster. Super fitting for the summer.

Tell us about your latest release and how it came about.
My latest release is “Honest”, it’s a super upbeat and fun song about goin’ crazy over someone. It all started with the guitar progression you hear at the beginning of the song when I was writing it. I had come up with that first and everything fell into place from there. I made a demo and wrote the song with my co-writer, Kylie Michele. I sent the demo to a friend of mine in Indonesia, Samuel Wullur, and he fleshed out the production like I mentioned and it completely shifted the energy of the song, in the best way.

How do you feel about the music industry as an independent artist?
One thing I would change in the music industry is just out the streaming payout works. I feel as though with how big streaming is now compared to say, five years ago, that there just needs to be adjustments made to fit the shift that’s occurred. There needs to be some sort of reworking of the artist’s profit off of streams.
Favorite movie or TV show?
Picking a favorite movie or tv show is so tough because I have so many favorites! But one I’ve watched lately that I loved was “Harley Quinn ” on HBO Max. It’s such a great take on the character and the D.C. Universe, if you’re into that.
What’s the future looking like for you?
I’m really looking forward to this summer because I’ll get to work on a ton of music since I won’t be in school. It’s been such a long school year and I am looking forward to just relaxing and having a good time during summer break. (Keep an eye out for that new music though!)

What do you think is the best way to make it as an artist nowadays?
I think the best way to make it as an artist is to work hard and I’m sorry this is cliché! Work on your craft, work on your image, grow, and improve as much as you can. If you start now your future self will thank you.