Teenage dream Anna Sofia’s wit, sardonicism and immaculate songwriting is present on her latest, “No Negotiations” which racked up 100s of thousands of TikTok views on just a demo of and arrives officially today — listen [here]! Anna Sofia co-composed, co-produced and co-recorded the track in Montreal with her creator friends–Zach Zoya, Miko, Soran, and Yuki. It’s edgy and effortlessly cool, just like the songstress. Anna is a self-proclaimed “classy bitch” and “natural born killa” who always gets her way, as we learn through the track’s lyrics! “No Negotiations” is a straight-to-the-point “hype song”
Anna Sofia shares, “It’s the one song I’ve made that reminds me to be good to myself because I deserve it! Sometimes we forget how amazing we really are and can be our own worst enemies. This is just a song to remind you that you are the baddest mf out there SO ACT LIKE IT!!!!”
What’s your story as an artist?
Music has always been a huge part of my life. As a little kid I was never really involved in any after school activities that didn’t involve music. My mom first started me in dance lessons and I ended up really loving it. I then started taking piano lessons at the age of 5, and singing training at 7. A little later on I started taking each of these a little more seriously and was involved in dance competitions, piano examinations, singing competitions and events. I have always known that this was what I wanted to do but it seemed impossible. Age 14 I got to high school and started writing my own music. It was such a crazy experience to hear my voice and lyrics on a song. From there I started releasing my music and now I’m here! I still have a long way to go, but looking back at where I was a few years ago I am super happy with my art and what I am doing!
What inspired your track ’No Negotiations’?
No Negotiations was actually inspired by the music. I had no topic to write about. My head was completely clear. The lyrics kinda just flowed out of me and then started to form into a full song. This writing session was honestly one of my favourite sessions of all time because it was such high energy throughout the whole night! Eventually we found ourselves at 2am wanting to write another song. Unfortunately I had to cut and go home because I had a super important shoot the next morning so I was the party pooper of the night.
Do you get inspired by other art forms?
Definitely dance. I am not the world’s best dancer but I love it so much. I just find it so cool that we are able to move our bodies in all these different ways and tell stories through the movements that we make. I had stopped dancing for a while when I quit, and recently got back into it by incorporating it in my music. I went to rehearsal thinking it would be super easy, but I was so so so so so so so so so so so wrong. I danced for literally an hour and was DYING afterwards. The next day was even worse, my whole body was hurting. I definitely regained a lot of respect for dancers because it is definitely not easy to make it look so effortless and beautiful.

Any funny anecdotes from the time you were recording or writing this?
My favourite story from that night was definitely when we were actually writing the lyrics of the song. Zach and I were writing the lyrics in the main room, and Miko was in the other room on the couch. We had paused for a second to think of what to say next and Miko yelled from the other room “NATURAL BORN KILLA!” and we instantly agreed that that had to be in the song. And look where we are now!
What’s your favorite place or environment to write?
House studios hands down! I love being in a home space to write. I just feel so much more comfortable and willing to spill my guts into a song. It is just such a comfy vibe and there is nobody else around us but the people in the house writing the song and that really helps me stay on track and focus. I think being in a home studio has definitely influenced when I write good songs and bad songs, because I always tend to write my favourite songs when I am in a private environment writing at my own pace.
What’s a record that shaped your creativity?
It’s not out yet but it is one of my songs called “Caged Birds Don’t Sing”. This is one of my favorite songs I have ever written in my life for many reasons. This was the very first time I went super experimental with my music, it was the first time I mixed sounds, the first time I felt I really spoke my mind, and the first time I felt like I was making my true art. This totally shaped the rest of the music I have written. Ever since then, I have always tried to be as experimental and crazy as I can with the songs I make, and It has led to a huge batch of music that I feel really represents me, and clearly tells the stories I want to tell. I am so confident with this song and the other songs that are coming with it and I am honestly so excited to share it all in the very near future.
Who is an artist or band you look up to today?
I think a more recent artist that I really look up to would be Billie Eilish. I started listening to Billie when her first album came out in 2017, “Don’t Smile At Me”. I was so obsessed with that album that I remembered the tracklist and just sang the entire album as one straight song. My dad used to drive me to school everyday and we would jam to her album every morning at like 8:00 am. At the time, basically nobody knew of her where I lived and I am proud to say I was the one to put some of my friends onto Billie and her music. I remember going to her first show in Toronto where there were 100 people in the room. I posted a story of her performing and my friend responded asking who she was. I said “Billie Eilish, she’s going to be huge one day”. I pretty much predicted the future. From then on I have been to every single Billie concert she has had in Toronto, and it has been such a cool experience to watch her grow into the artist and woman she is today. This would be inspiring to any artist. Watching someone go from a room of 100 people to 25,000+ people is unreal. It just shows that hard work and dedication pays off. Things take time and they don’t always come easy but if you really want it you will keep working for it.
What excites you the most about what you do ?
THE SHOWS! I absolutely love performing! I have such a great time on stage and I love interacting with the people watching me! I recently started performing live and it has been the greatest experience of my life. I have performed in front of an audience a countless amount of times, but never to perform my own art. It is always so amazing to see how much people enjoy live music, and I feel so fortunate to be able to give them what they want. It is literally just a big party every single time and I provide the music and fun! I am definitely very nervous before I go on, but as soon as I get on the stage the audience makes me feel so welcome and loved that all my stress and fear just goes away.
What is your view on genres and music styles since you mix a lot of them in your music?
To be completely honest, I don’t really believe in genres. Music is music. Whatever you decide your art is then that is what it is! In my opinion, genres keep me very boxxed into one sound, and I end up feeling trapped and uninspired. My art is experimental, and if I want to mess around with different sounds then I will! No genre is going to tell me what sounds I can and can’t use. Even as a music listener, I am never really into just one genre. The way I listen to music is by the individual song. I have never been into one specific genre and I feel like that is why I like to incorporate all different worlds of music in my own music, because I listen to all different worlds of music that can inspire me! Eventually I hope genres can slowly start to die off and art can be art with no categories.
What does music and art mean to you?
Music and art means everything to me. It is my way of having fun! I honestly really enjoy creating art and I have started to realize that it doesn’t have to be so serious. I can do whatever I want with my creativity! Art is my way of meeting new people and building relationships, it is my way of speaking about what’s on my mind, it is my way of pushing myself to try new things, and it is my way of just being who I am. I know this all sounds very stupid to some people, but art is truly the one thing that I know always has my back and will always fuel me to work harder and harder and keep discovering new parts of myself.
How would you describe your act in one word?