Here’s another one of our cool Mundane discoveries: Queer POC-fronted indie rock band Raavi & the Houseplants.
In 2019 they packed boston basements, opened for acts such as Sidney Gish and Ritt Momney, and released their debut album Don’t Hit Me Up with rave reviews. Their last single Sticky (featured on FLOOD Magazine and Boston’s NPR) racked up over 30,000 streams on Spotify and marks an audible transition for the band.
The group consists of Raavi Sita (vox), James Duncan (bass), Justin Termotto + Josef Kiefer (guitar), and superstar drummer Madden Klass and they are kicking off the year with a brand new single.
Major Tool is set to release on February 14th, 2021. According to the band, we are getting into vulnerability territory but their personal blend of it is gonna make you wanna get up and dance.

Raavi describes it as a moment of insecurity as “that awkward place in a new-ish relationship where you’re starting to get close and it wouldn’t make sense not to talk about your problems,” she explains, “but you don’t want your baggage to scare them off, you know?”
Simultaneously, Major Tool implies possibility, something truly worthwhile on the horizon if you can make it through the anxiety of the present moment.
Here is what the band had to say when we asked them a few things about their music and plans and more.
Artistic background/how did you start playing music
I was always singing and writing little jingles as a kid. It wasn’t until I got my first guitar ten years ago on my 11th birthday that I really began songwriting though.
What are some of your musical influences?
Early St. Vincent, Modest Mouse, Lake Street Dive, Girlpool, Tracey Chapman
These are all projects that I not only really liked as a kid, but really inspired me to start playing music myself.
What’s behind your storytelling and lyrics?
I write a lot about trying to understand people and trying to succeed at it. Writing about my relationships forces me to take a breath and be more empathetic, especially when I’m frustrated with how I’m being . It’s more selfcare than anything else so I wouldn’t say that I’m trying to convey anything to anyone. I have a very self centered mindset when I’m writing. Plus once a song is recorded and released for the world to hear, I’m generally for “death of the author”. Unless you’re writing about some historical event or political commentary, which I never am lol
Any style inspirations?
Everyone in the band comes from a different musical background which is probably why our genre is so hard to pin down. I’d say, as the main songwriter, my guitar playing is heavily inspired by math/emo-indie rock, with a Bossa Nova picking style. Someone a long time ago described our music as emo-lounge, and that has always felt like the most accurate way to describe what we’re working with.
How does the Boston scene treat you and alternative artists like you?
Generally really well! There are a lot of young folx in Boston who are really excited about music so the scene here is very passionate and fast moving. I think Boston is one of the best cities to get your start in, if you’re looking to make alternative music. The only problem is that being in a smaller city will give you fewer opportunities.
What’s up in the near future for Raavi?
We are currently writing our next EP which will hopefully be recorded over the summer and released sometime in 2022. Other than that we have one more single coming out in the spring so keep an eye out for that.