New York City based, German singer-songwriter Yvonne Ambrée is pleased to announce a brand new release with the arrival of ‘Thieves’ (25th April), lifted from the upcoming album due later this year.

Crafting an intense electronic-pop gem, Yvonne paints a sonic polaroid, channelling her inner Beth Gibbons to bring an indelible polish to the proceedings. She says: “Thieves is a metaphor for thoughts that stay with you through the night.

Those moments when you are not fully asleep because something or someone preoccupies your mind. When I wrote the song I needed to make some important personal decisions and after a few nights without finding any rest I got up and started the lyrics for the song. I thought of all the people that might be awake just like me trying to fight their personal battles and it gave me a strange sense of comfort knowing that I’m not alone. There is something sad and beautiful about being awake during the darkest part of a 24h-day.”

Why call this track Thieves?

Thieves is a metaphor for thoughts that keep you up at night. Thoughts that steal your precious time to rest.

How does it fit into the broader sound of your recent output?

The new tracks seem a bit more refined compared to the last EP. Mostly because Jeremy Page and I started writing and producing together and we tried out a few different things and as a result put out the first EP Another Space last year. For this upcoming record we settled on a sound that we both felt excited about exploring – a little more of a trip/hop, moody, electronic soulful feel.

So tell us, what keeps you up at night? 

For the most part I am ( from what I’ve been told ) a soundless deep sleeper but I think either I sleep quite well or not at all. Sometimes I get anxiety at night of not having done or achieved enough – not being good enough…all these things which I think most of us encounter one way or the other. I don’t even wanna get into politics or “Weltschmerz” ( a unique german word that does not exactly exists in english) otherwise I would most likely never sleep at all.

If you could collaborate with two artists at the moment, who would they be and why?

That’s a hard question. I love so many artists but right at the moment I am listening a lot to “Voyou”, a French artist. His music seems genuine, a bit goofy at times but never shallow and always interesting. That would be an interesting combination.

I also love James Blakes’ production and style – so few instruments and sounds but so powerful. I wanna know how he does it.

For my other solo project Panteon which is a bit more indie-folk oriented I always wanted to do a duet with Robin Pecknold of Fleet Foxes. I still do.

What’s the main message you’d like to tell us with your music?

Particularly with this upcoming record I would like to invite people to slow down a bit, to be ok with what is even if it wasn’t part of the plan. I don’t want to scream into your face to get my point across – I want people to sit down and listen and take a break. There is so much aggression in the world – I want to make people feel softer again.

What are some of your main inspirations in today’s music scene? 

I really love the new Brazilian indie music scene with artists such as Tim Bernardes, Sessa etc rooted in some of the Tropicália movement of the 70s.

There is so much great music out there. From more electronic influenced artists such as SBTRKT to the new Jessica Pratt album that just came out ( and is a gem) I love them all at different times of day.

You spend time between Berlin and New York City. What do you like about both places?

Berlin is my home, it almost doesn’t count. Everybody loves Berlin these days. I grew up there so for me it’s mostly family and friends instead of Berghain and parties and all that. Looking back now I’m glad I grew up there as a teenager right before it became so hip. It was wild and I have the best memories of that. These days I’m more interested in exploring all the lakes around the city and taking a boat trip with my parents.

NYC still inspires me, people are more fearless and have a bit more fire and passion. The music scene is more interesting in my opinion – at least for the music that I’m creating and what I like to listen to.

What can we expect from you for the rest of 2024?

I will be releasing another single next month and there is more to come after the summer.