With her debut album,The Lost Ones,just weeks away from release,Florriereveals a stunning newsingle,Never Far From Paradise.Listenhere, watch the official videohereand pre-order the albumhere.Filled with intricate melodies, emotive lyrics and an anthemic, upbeat chorus,Never Far From Paradiseissure to be a fan favorite. This is the third song to be heard from the album,The Lost Onesand the finaltaste ahead of the album’s release on June 14th.

“I wrote Never Far From Paradise looking back on a difficult period of time in my life, in a way giving advice to the person I was then, reminding them that even in what feel like the darkest times, there’s always a light around the corner. I wanted to capture a feeling of optimism and euphoria in the production, to counteract the more poignant lyrics, and I hope that’s what people take away from the track when they listen. It’s my favorite track to play live, there’s something really powerful about singing and drumming this one together!”