ILUKA is a wickedly talented and original singer-songwriter from Australia, who has recently made her home in the United States. Her musical journey is deeply rooted in her upbringing, inspired by her father, a talented songwriter and guitar maker. Growing up near the enchanting, quasi-mystical Blue Mountains of western Sydney, she spent countless hours on her balcony, honing her craft with fervor. By the age of seven, she was already recording her own songs on a 12-track mixer with her dad, and by fifteen, she had amassed enough material for several albums.

ILUKA gained viral attention with her fresh take on Dolly Parton’s “Jolene.” Her timeless vocals have made her a standout on Specialty and Community radio in the U.S., and her debut album, “Queen of Turbulent Hearts,” has consistently charted on Submodern lists.


Cry Evil!” is a powerful stomp-a-licious country/folk anthem that boldly celebrates female empowerment at a time when women’s rights are under siege, declaring femininity as “lethal.” The song delves into societal expectations, starting with the archetype of the “good wife” and revealing the emotional turmoil that ILUKA sees beneath the polished facade. The infectious chorus, “Evil! Cry evil!” urges women to cast aside subservience and embrace a pugnacious fierceness and independence.

By referencing Eve and the historical demonization of women, the song sheds light on the trepidation men have about women’s strength. The bridge captures a transformative journey from victim to warrior, illustrating how adversity can ignite fierce determination. Ultimately, “Cry Evil!” serves as a compelling call for liberation, celebrating resilience and the unapologetic embrace of one’s identity.

As ILUKA steps into an exhilarating new chapter with upcoming singles and the highly anticipated release of her “Haunted One” EP in October, she has been collaborating with esteemed producers in Los Angeles, promising a rawer and more unvarnished and edgy, rock-laced sound that easily earns her the distinction her talent and unique vision deserves.

Connect with Iluka on socials:

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