What’s your story as an artist?
My story as an artist is pretty clean and cut. I became an artist due to a romantic downfall and or heartbreak with someone who was near and dear to me at the moment. That prompted me to grab a legal pad and a pen. With that, the music just started to flow out, and there was no end in sight. I always knew I held a gift for wordplay and melodies, but it wasn’t until I was pushed into the fire that I actually put it to work.
What inspired this last release?
My inspiration for Light After Dark was primarily based on feelings and thoughts from the same situation that prompted me to get into music to begin with. It was just that same rotating cycle of emotions that just felt right to put into a project. I felt like the situation was owed its own body of work. Everything from the cover art down to the very last word spoken on the project is authentic and genuine.
What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?
My sources of inspiration stem from just my personal life, whether that be romantic or family. My upbringing also plays a vital role in speaking on things that I speak on. The things I was able to observe, and still observe to this day give me the tools necessary for the music I put out.
Any funny anecdotes from the time you were recording or writing this?
I think one of the craziest and funniest things about the project is the simple fact that the body and art was built off of a situation that was the driving factor for me becoming an artist. That same situation prompted me to write the project, even go as far as to incorporating that person into the cover art. Naming the project Light After Dark was in a way, my protest in saying things had gotten better, in terms of that situation or love interest. But not too long after the release was set, that chapter closed once again and I found more darkness after I had just found some light.
Tell us about the music video and the idea behind it ?
We are actually in the process of shooting two or three visuals for the project. The team and I are very excited because we are starting to venture off and elevate the graphics and visuals that we release. Some of the rollouts and ideas we have set are things we have never indulged in, and I think we are all just very excited to see the finished product.

What’s a record that shaped your creativity?
One of the biggest records I think molded me into the artist that I am is Marvins Room by Drake. Really I think the whole project shaped me, but that track alone gave me the urge to want to make the vulnerable and genuine music that I make today.
Who is an artist or band you look up to today?
Drake is one of, if not my biggest influence when it comes to making records. The way he is able to carry himself into whatever lane he wants to be in is astounding to me. His versatility speaks for itself and I think it is very had to be versatile in this line of work. He speaks openly about topics that some would be bashed for, he sometimes comes from a vulnerable place that I can relate to. So I try to dissect his work sometimes in order to gain muse.
Any future projects?
I definitely have a catalog of music just sitting in my portfolio that I would love to release. A lot of the music that comes out was written and produced far before it ever hits the scene. So we definitely have more drops to come. I am actually currently working on my first studio album at this time, and I am aiming to drop it early 2022.

What is your view on genres and music styles since you mix a lot of them in your music?
I think a genre is a great base and foundation for the work you want to create. Knowing your primary genre is pivotal in your artist development, but also being aware that the genre you choose to partake in only acts as a base, not a staple. You are not confined to that one sound or that one identity. Which is something I try to always remember when creating, I can rap bar for bar, or I can go into a session and sing for hours on end. Whether it’s melodic or straight raw lyrics, I don’t think I fall second to none when it comes to word play and what I can bring to a beat.

What does music and art mean to you?
My music and art means the world to me. I can listen to a song I wrote and released a year ago, and those very same emotions I was feeling when I wrote it, will rise back up into my system. My music is my escape from reality, it is my platform to speak whatever truth I want to speak. It allows for me to speak to people I’ve never even met. It allows for me to speak to people who may not want to speak to me personally at the moment. It acts as my coping mechanism, because as soon as something goes left, or even if it goes right, I grab a pen and just start writing. I think whether we are in a bad state with someone or a good one, you can’t help but to see the beauty in the art no matter the circumstance.
How would you describe your act in one word?