Photography Richmond Lam
Following the release of debut single ‘Let It Die’, Montréal based multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and producer Mitch Davis returns with his next single ‘My Life Life’, The track is the next instalment from Mitch’s debut Arbutus Records album ‘The Haunt’
To accompany the track, Mitch has teamed up with director Phil Osborne to create a completely hand-built animated music video.
Speaking of the track, Mitch says, “My City Life” was kinda meant to be a melodramatic joke as-in: “my shitty life”. I wrote the song in one sitting which is really rare for me; I wouldn’t let myself leave that cold studio room until it was finished! It’s a bit of an ode to using dating apps through a pandemic. Trying to find cracks of sunlight in state-enforced isolation. But then getting more realistic in the 2nd verse, it’s about giving up the notion entirely before your “heart begins to freeze”, as you start closing yourself off to others and building barriers which remain long beyond their initial purpose.”
Tell us about the genesis of your project The Haunt. How did you get to where you are now?
I hadn’t made music for myself in maybe 6 years, but when the pandemic began I felt like it was finally time. It all came really fast though, I think I ‘d been bottling up a lot of my musical needs for too long. I started writing about the only material I had at hand at the time which was my own disappointing online dating experiences.
What should a song or piece of art communicate in your opinion?
As a rapper I used to feel like every sentence represented a paragraph of thoughts. Writing lyrics more concisely to sing has even more of that effect. I dunno. I like when my songs clearly and accurately represent a very precise emotional experience. But I do appreciate others’ more abstract work too.
Who were your top 3 artists last year?
Most often I just listen to my friends’ music. I probably listened the most to Eliza Niemi, Marci, and Sorry Girls last year. All albums coming soon 🙂

What do you do when you’re feeling uninspired?
There’s more inspirational material out there than anyone could sort through in a lifetime. I’d ask for recommendations from friends for music/books/movies. For a while when I felt down I’d watch Planet Earth or Ted Talks.
What are your 2022 projects and goals?
Definitely launching my vari-mu compressor to the world and trying to play around with the band wherever possible. I just rented a little mini house which I’m going to try to convert into my own little studio cabin in the city. So I’m excited to just have friends over and make music.
Favorite movie or TV show?
Hard to talk in absolutes. I don’t know about now but as a kid my siblings and I were obsessed with Sister Act 2. The rapping, even though the lyrics were pretty bad, and how one of the kids does a back-handspring. I used to rewind it all the time and learned to do backflips from that movie I think.
Tell us about My City Life and how it came about
The song itself I just sat down at the piano and wrote one night.. Most of the time I don’t really finish them all in one go like that. But the recording process took some experimenting to see how I wanted to produce it in the end. I definitely made a couple really terrible demos.
What is something you would want to change in the music and entertainment industry?
I feel like event promotion is in a weird limbo right now, not knowing which social media platform it should exist on. I guess more importantly it would be nice if people were paid adequately for their streams. We’re all trapped inside a few dominant services and there just isn’t a feasible alternative that pays artists fairly. Fun.
Can you outline your creative process?
When I made this album I was mostly under legal order to stay home due to the various lockdowns and curfews. But even historically I usually hunker down and spend a lot of time alone. I really zone-in on a particular song at a time and live and breathe it day and night until it’s finished.
What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?
Maybe when Tony Hawk skated to my breakup song? I used to get a lot of music from skate vids as a kid so it was just a nice feeling to have his company use a few tunes.
What do you think an artist should sing about nowadays?
No rules! But I think it’s a little funny how we avoid talking about the lifestyle and technology we use every day. Like, it’s not cool to talk about texting and scrolling aimlessly on your phone.
Do you have any regrets?
Wow, ha. Yes. I get really held up on experiences and moments from the past. I called my new album “The Haunt” cause it’s all about being tossed around by memories.
What is some piece of advice you would give to yourself right now?
Relax sometimes, enjoy yourself, and trust you’re doing what you can in a world where a single individual can’t begin to understand, much less solve truly macroscopic problems.