Rising Venezuelan, Miami-raised multidisciplinary artist LexMo turns the volume up on new single ‘PST’ – Stream ‘PST’ here.
Refusing to be confined to a single genre in ‘PST’, LexMo channels her alt-rock and pop-punk alter ego, ditching the sparse production and emotionally gutting lyrics of her recent single‘Think Of Me’ in favour of fast-paced guitars, driven tempo, punchy verses and a chorus that shows the fiercely honest singer-songwriters ear for an undeniable hook. The lyrics continue on the same path laid by her previous singles, in under three minutes LexMo unpacks her relationship struggles, laying everything on the table and ending the song asking “Would you even listen?”
Written “in a total of about 20 minutes,” LexMo says of the song; “is about finding that one decent person in a sea of trash and instantly clicking in ways that you didn’t think were possible again, but ultimately being screwed over by a couple hundred miles and a gnarly time difference.”
Celebrating the music she loves, LexMo is capable of exploring different genres of music through songs that show the wide range of her talent, “being confined to a genre is a thing of the past,” she says. Her music and lyrics come from honest emotions, “I was woken up one morning by my anxiety and the lyrics of the first verse were just rushing through my mind with that fast paced punk guitar-driven tempo. I hit up my guitarist and asked if he was ready to shred a solo and it all fell together so organically production-wise when we just followed the story of the lyrics”.
Born in Venezuela and raised in Miami, LexMo is a fearless bilingual singer, songwriter and producer whose varied practice as an artist include creative direction, video production, choreography, marketing and digital media. Her previous self-released singles, each accompanied by a video directed by LexMo herself – the dark alt-pop ‘I’m the worst (but I love myself)’ and the brooding R&B-laced single ‘White Walls’ – have proven her raw, unbridled talent.
What’s your story as an artist?
I had always loved music and acting as a kid but never really pursued it. I had one really good teacher in high school who pushed me to pursue my writing, and I went on to study English and literature in college and was really attracted to poetry and storytelling. I slowly realized that all of my work read like lyrics, and the next task was learning how to use my voice to tell those stories and the rest is history baby.
What do you want your music to communicate?
I want my music to communicate that no one is alone in their journey. Whether you’re feeling sad, confused, hurt, on fire, bitchy etc. There will be a LexMo track for you to relate to and use as your own and do with it as you please. Whether it’s to cry it out after a fight with your partner, or to help you pregame and feel like a god damn queen with your bitches knowing your ex is going to be at the party. Doesn’t matter as long as it makes you feel what you want to feel.
What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?
Freddie Mercury, Frank Ocean and Pablo Nuereda are my biggest inspirations for storytelling. They just get it and execute it so differently and in a way that you don’t even notice your listening to a story. That’s art right there.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
Today, I really look up to Rosalia. She went through the ringer before hitting fame and never stopped, and that is such an essential quality to have in this industry.

What’s the record or artist that made you realize you wanted to be an artist?
“Acid Rain” by Chance The Rapper. When he said “spineless bitches in backless dresses,” my jaw dropped. I was like, ‘God damn, that’s such a clever way to put it.’ That’s poetry in a rap song.I thought it was so beautiful.
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
“PST” is my latest release, and you can thank a very handsome boy for that one. I found myself in a long distance “situationship,” and the song pretty much outlines the whole story and how I had to stop myself from drunk calling him all the time. He was just so great but so far away, and I was always wondering what could have been if we lived in the same place and that drove me crazy. I tried to replace him, but ultimately couldn’t, which is awesome for me.
What inspires your sound?
Whatever is going on in my life is usually reflected in an upcoming record or project. So, if I’m sad one month, you’ll get songs like “Think Of Me.” And if I’m feeling myself, one night you’ll get an entire baddie EP.
What’s your favorite tune of yours?
“White Walls” is probably my favorite song. It just sounds so different to me than anything else I’ve ever heard, and it’s the most honest and vulnerable I’ve been in my music. It has a very special place in my heart.
Where are some things you really want to accomplish as an artist?
I wanna go on tour, man. I want to start making real connections with people who listen to my music and entertain and create a little family.

Favorite lyric you ever wrote?
I’ve written some beautiful and heartwarming things but I’ve got to be honest, “I’m the worst but I love myself // Look expensive but im broke as hell” is just so LexMo it hurts. I have just always loved that line, because that’s when I realized I can 100% bring my personality into my music.
Was there ever a moment when you felt like giving up?
Usually every other Sunday! Kidding, but not really. The industry is hard. Everyone wants to be an artist and sell out arenas, but no one wants to put in the work and rightfully so, because it seems like the most impossible dream out there. I took a break from music and felt so out of my skin and couldn’t figure out why, and then I started making music again and realized I can’t ever give this shit up.

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Be patient with yourself and treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend.
Where do you think the next game changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene?
Multifaceted artists. Anyone can sing, but now the industry wants a singer and dancer AND actor and writer etc. So someone who has all of that and does it all effortlessly AND is relatable and lovable? Pft, game over.