We caught up with UK singer and songwriter Calum Scott in the middle of a trafficked and noisy London day to chat about his return with a brand new record this summer after the massive success garnered with his soulful new single “Biblical.”
“It just feels so good to be coming back after so long. Especially after a year last this past one where everything stopped all of a sudden. It was really tough for me because I was working on my second album when everything just shut down so I was left by myself going through the catalogue I had made for the second album questioning if I was even going to be relevant anymore.”
“Biblical was such a rescue song that came out to bring me back from those dark times. That’s why it’s so powerful both melodically and lyrically.” Calum states
“Biblical” is Calum’s first new track since his full-length debut Only Human which came out in 2018 and went straight to No. 1 on the iTunes album chart in 21 countries across the globe, in addition to selling more than 3.6 million in adjusted album sales and amassing over 7.5 billion combined streams.
“The reason why this song is special is because it was born in really tough times. I wanted it to be epic and uplifting precisely because of that. That’s exactly what I want my music to sound and be like. Writing and making this song was a magical process and when the stars align like that and that kind of magic starts invading the room you need to catch it because it’s undeniable!”
However, with such a planetary success after only one record, a fair amount of pressure also falls upon your shoulders and Calum is well aware of that.
“This is going to be a very challenging record because it comes after a whole year of total “tranquillity’” which I was definitely not used to. The year before I was touring the world and with the blink of an eye I was left with entire days to fill up.
So I thought this would be the best time to write the second album. That was a weird process for me because I was mostly dealing with constant chaos!”

“That also pushed me to step up for this record. You can tell this is a much more mature body of work which is what really makes it different from my first one.”
A majestic music video was released alongside “Biblical” and it really reflects the profundity of the message. It opens on Calum sitting alone in a desolate room, then cuts to an alternate reality in which various characters (including a ballet dancer, a violinist, and a bride and groom) drift along in an underwater reverie.
By the end of the video, Calum has broken through the wall that separates him from that enchanted world, becoming blissfully submerged as well.
“As an artist I really have a renewed respect for live performances and the power of music to bring us all together, whether it’s my fans or my friends and loved ones. Biblical is the embodiment of such a feeling. I’m yearning to come back out there and perform live, see my friends and be reunited with all the people I love.”

His piece of advice to young artists is also quite uplifting:
“Never feel limited! These days there are endless ways and platforms you can dabble in to get your music out there. As long as your talent is pure and you work hard you will have a shot at it. Look at me! I stepped on that stage at “Britain’s Got Talent” without expecting anything and it wound up offering me a platform and getting me where I am.”
“You need to plant your seed – he adds – and believe in yourself more than anyone else no matter how little, discouraged and disadvantage you feel. If you have genuine art you think will speak to you and to people, put it out and if it’s authentic, it will speak to anyone.”