photo credit: Caroline Safran

After years of being the go-to photographer, videographer and creative director for artists like Pom Pom Squad, Spill Tab, and Donna Missal, rlyblonde stepped into the spotlight earlier this year with her debut EP, ‘Fantasy.’ Marrying cheeky lyrics with melodic pop-punk soundscapes, rlyblonde makes music that doesn’t take itself too seriously. 

Now, she’s back with her new single, “Your Angel,” on November 29th – LISTEN HERE // PR. Leaning into the trope of a woman scorned, “Your Angel” is a cathartic release of anger packaged into an feminist alt-rock banger.


“When they say “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” they were not wrong. Nothing puts in a fire under your ass than being completely, full-body, out-for-blood angry. 

The real inciting moment behind this song was hearing a lot of friends tell me that– even when I was hurt, to not lose my cool, not be petty, and not stoop to the level that the people who were pushing my buttons or being intentionally hurtful were at. I found the double standard extremely infuriating. Why do I have to play fair if no one else is? Why do I have to sit and take the bullshit you are throwing at me without defending myself?

Creating music, for me, was always something fueled partially by anger; an anger at my life not being what I wanted, of being jealous of people around me, of feeling trapped or stuck. So this song really sums up all of those angry, rebellious, teen feelings, while also tapping into something a bit darker— what it really feels like to have a trauma response to someone or something, and what to do with those complicated feelings.”