The Minks are set to release their newest single, Lavender. This new song was written during the pandemic, as a sort of mantra for getting through the tough times by using natural remedies. Lavender is a cure for anxiety, and a little dose on your head may just be able to do the trick, or at least get you on the right path. Same goes for music. The single features fuzzy guitar licks, heartfelt call and response vocals, and a roaring yell from Nikki Barber that offers both a question for help and a reassuring answer all at the same time. The song was recorded live to tape, mixed, and mastered at Trace Horse Studios in Nashville, TN by Preston Cochran and Scottie Prudhoe.
Accompanying the release is a music video, directed by Nikki Barber (front woman of The Minks) and shot by Joshua Shoemaker. It’s a surrealistic, hazy moving picture saturated in flowering purples, filmed in only a few takes. It showcases the blooming of one’s mind and body when the proper care has been taken. The band members created the scenes themselves and starred in it, along with visual help from Anna Pollock.
“This song is important to us because it was written during the early days of the pandemic, sitting around our back porch. It was our remedy for a scary time in our lives when things felt so out of our control. Going inwards and focusing on our own personal health really helped us get through the dark days. Lavender can heal. And so can music. It’s a beautiful thing.” The band states
“We have been bouncing back okay. We started touring pretty heavily again in the summer and have only really settled down since the holidays set in. We’re planning for a busy Spring and Summer, as long as Covid allows. The past two years definitely reshaped our opinions on the industry. We feel that now, more than ever, the DIY approach is the most meaningful (and lucrative) way to go about things.“

“For example, we started tie-dying and screen printing our own shirts as opposed to paying someone else to do it. It’s been more rewarding for us and our fans to have something special like that for them to hold on to after the show. We also spent a lot of Covid rehearsing and playing new music, so now we have a full length ready to go. Lavender is the start of the roll out for the new songs.”