Brandon “Cody Tyler” Mcroy also Known as “Cody Tyler” is an African American artist and songwriter. Originally born in Florida, Cody Tyler went to college for fashion merchandising and design in Miami, then studied acting in Los Angeles at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts on a partial scholarship. Shortly after, Cody ended up in the mental hospital for depression and suicide, but it was then that he discovered his love for music. As he began writing through that low point in his life, he discovered his vision through music and the motivation to want to help people and inspire. 

What’s your story as an artist?

I went to school for fashion in Miami then acting at the AADA in LA…but truly discovered my creative talents at a very low point in my life which was being in the hospital for depression and etc. instead of playing board games and watching tv I’d go by myself under this tree outside by the rec room and write poetry which eventually turned into songs in this little composition book that one of the nurses bought me … I remember breaking down into tears at the freedom that writing and creating gave me and the voice I had and looking up at GOD like ok “I’m getting it now”. I was inspired by using my talents and cultivating them to help others and give them a sense of belonging. I’d say my story as an artist is one of complete self-discovery and resilience. 

What do you want your music to communicate? 

Since day 1 I’ve always wanted my music to communicate “HOPE” and that ‘’THERE’S SOMEONE IN THIS WORLD WHO CARES” and that will never change no matter how many times my approach to the art form and life does. Lastly to add to that I’d like my music to display “PURITY”..

What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?

My sources for storytelling are literally my life lol… they come from a deep source within my emotions and through my emotions I can transform them into melodies ,lyrics, etc. And as time has passed…. years to be exact..I’d say I’ve matured drastically to the point where I can write to anything .. literally anything… as long as my approach stays pure. 

Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?

I Listen to many artists atm But right now I’d say I look up to MYSELF more so than any other artist.. I’M MY OWN HERO.. Nobody is going to write like me or approach any production like me or bring what I bring . For me this is all a Journey spiritually as much as it is life wise..  

What’s the record or artist that made you realize you wanted to be an artist?

Record wise I’d say I have two my first is by “Kid Cudi” “Solo Dolo pt 1” and Kanye west “I wonder”

Kid cudi’s due to the fact of how awesome his writing was and the vulnerability in it .. I related to it and the courage he had in delivery of the lyrics really moved me.. and Kanye’s because at the time I had already knew in a sense where I wanted to go life wise and then to the hear the song and production of it with the lyrics smh.. I remember being in my car on the highway in Orlando on i4 crying and just jamming to the end of the beat where kanye took out all the instruments and left just the drums and synths was amazing man.

Tell us about your latest release and how it came about

Well “Energy” was produced by my Engineer “Austin Connor and his band “we are the stars music” which is them on the hook they had the beat done and one day in the studio working on my 2nd project he presented it to me and asked what I thought and thought I could really do something with it and I went home and spent some time on it and just thought of how I could approach writing to it because its composed beautifully… and one day I just sat and played it and the lyrics came right away when I imagined what it’d feel like to meet that special woman for the first time you know? Its funny how it happened . once I connected to a certain feeling everything else came right away.

What inspires your sound?

To describe my inspiration best id say it’d be a canvas of life, emotions, lessons, growth and a culmination of different genres and generations of music stemming from 80’s up to to todays music. Over the years Ive went back and just watched older videos from the 80s and older artists its very inspiring you know? With me there aren’t any limits artistically. I’m no longer afraid to fully immerse myself in the art its all so beautiful.

What’s your favorite tune of yours?

Right now I’m vibing with UK hip hop artist’s “Last night in paris’s” track “splash” they did such a great job with production and there extremely creative. Id love to work with them at some point.

What are some things you really want to accomplish as an artist?

Hmm where I do I start lol!… honestly I want to partner my imprint purpleandstars Entertainment with another label and to bring the message further and vison further and that would be the right label of course lol.. also I’d love to work with Pharrell and kanye and cudi .. 3 that were catalysts of inspiration on my journey musically. Id also like to have my own fashion line and jewelry line as well. I think those are some of the different aspirations besides wanting to tour and have a hit record on my own terms writing wise.

Favorite lyric you ever wrote?

Lol honestly I’d say all of them lol! But right now it’d have to be from my current single now “Energy” which is “ BEFORE I MET YOU EVERYTHING WAS SO BLUE BUT THEN YOU CAME OFF WITH AN IMPRESSION SO TRUE YOU SHINING LIKE CHRIST BABY WHATS A GUY TO DO?!” I love it because of the purity and vulnerability. And I know meeting the right woman I’d imagine would literally feel that way lol!

Was there ever a moment when you felt like giving up?

Ohh man most definitely..smh.. that’s why I previously mentioned that its all a journey because there comes many tests whether it be from people, situations, or simple mistakes even. Having a great foundation within YOURSELF and not shying away from the dark and difficult moments will personally help you greatly because it helps to redefine who you are and show you who you TRULY ARE. Having that foundation within yourself will allow you to not be shaken mentally or spiritually. 

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

Well it was actually given to me years ago and it took forever to fully resonate lol…and it was “ they don’t have to understand.. it wasn’t given to them it was given to YOU.. so how could possibly think you could get someone to fully get it?” 

Where do you think the next game changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene?

Though I’m still educating myself on it but the “NFT’ concept is pretty big I can’t lie man. The concept of ownership and freedom is big.