Singer-Songwriter Kylie Muse is teaming up with her producer boyfriend to give listeners another stunning, relatable track. The TikTok star just recently released “Fake Fine”, a track that she also worked with Jack Conway on. However, this time, we get to hear Jack Conway bless us in the track with Kylie.
Kylie Muse on “Lonely”: “this song means a lot to me because it’s all about giving that little voice inside your head the spotlight for a minute. It brings me comfort to know that I’m not the only one who has the fear that one day someone you love might wake up one day and not feel the way they once did. Just because you’re in a healthy and happy relationship doesn’t mean fears and insecurities stop existing. So this song highlights that and hopefully helps you feel less “lonely” in your thoughts.” Jack Conway on “Lonely”: Lonely is a concept that Kylie brought to me & right away I knew it was special. It is sad to see how “perfect” or “great” relationships always seem to have their way of breaking, bc one person just suddenly decides it’s not worth it anymore. For myself, I’ve been on the “lonely” side of things my whole life, as you can hear in my verse, so it’s nice to be able to finally express what I’ve been feeling for years. Relationships aren’t easy & I think this song does a great job of expressing why it’s so important to stay on the same page as your partner, and work on your relationships every day.
What’s your story as an artist and influencer?
My story as an artist/influencer is pretty standard. I started singing when I came out of the womb as my parents would say. I have always loved to sing and have always known it was something I would pursue. I wrote my first song ever when I was completely overwhelmed with emotion and had no other way to express my feelings except to put them to paper. I then started writing songs daily and decided to share them on tiktok. One day I had a song I wrote go viral and my journey on tiktok began there. I started to post more and more and develop my writing skills. Now I have more confidence and support when it comes to continuing my pursuit of music! I am still working and continuing to grow everyday!
What is your relationship with social media and the modern way of communicating?
My relationship with social media is “businessey” as I like to say. I say this because social media, as we all know can be quite harsh on impressionable young brains. I have found that social media works best for me when I get on and do what I need to do and get off. When it comes to the strategies I’ve used to get my music out there, I usually use the simple tool of trial and error. This has always worked well for me because it allows me to test for myself what works and what doesn’t. You never know if you don’t try so try everything.I used to put so much pressure on myself about the quality of my content. For example, if a note was wrong I wouldn’t post the video.Everything had to be perfect or I would not post it. But I learned through experience that not everything has to be perfect for it to be heard and loved. Now I post content that I like and is real and relatable. And honestly, that has brought me the most success.
What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?
I have trouble writing songs about anything that I do not personally relate to. So most of my songs are written about personal experiences or stories that I have a connection to. I write my songs in a form of a conversation. Most of my lyrics you could speak out to someone and it would make perfect sense. I do this because it is how I communicate and express exactly how I’m feeling.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
Russ is my biggest inspiration in the music industry. I feel very connected to all of his lyrics as well as his story. I love the way he went about navigating his own way through the industry. He talks a lot about knowing how to stay independent and true to yourself in an industry where it is so easy to lose that. He has single-handedly been the biggest inspiration to me when it comes to my career. His songs were the first ones I ever cried to, rapped to, screamed to, and felt deeply connected to.

What’s the record or artist that made you realize you wanted to be an artist?
Tate McRae because we are both singer songwriters around the same age just posting on social media trying to get our music hard. So she showed me that it was possible.I haven’t looked back since then.
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
I brought this concept to my boyfriend after having a dream that one day he woke up randomly and did not love me anymore. I knew right away that this concept needed to become a song. I think it’s super important to talk about how being in a healthy relationship does not mean that insecurities and overthinking doesn’t happen. So me and my boyfriend Jack sat down on my lawn with his guitar and wrote all of “lonely” in an hour.
What’s it like working with someone you are involved with?
Working with someone you’re in a relationship with, especially on music is a blessing for me. Personally music is how I communicate so when I feel like I have reached a point where I cannot have a conversation about some thing I write a song about it. This has proven to help me break through some communication boundaries I’ve had. And having someone who understands the emotion and pain and realness that goes into writing a song has helped our communication and our understanding of one another grow.

What’s your favorite tune of yours?
I feel like every new song I write is my favorite for about two weeks and then it switches to a new one I’ve written. To me I just say that my best song hasn’t been written yet because I’m constantly writing and getting better and better. I will say I do have a couple new tracks coming soon and one of them might be my favorite…
Where are some things you really want to accomplish as an artist?
I plan on having a very successful music career. My main objective in the music industry is to create music that people relate to feel connected to and find comfort in. If my music can help anyone in anyway I have done what I wanted to do. I would love to go on tour and sell out stadiums and all that jazz as well. However I intend on taking it one step at a time and am very happy with the pace I am growing at. I want to be able to maintain my success. Longevity is very important to me and I want to be consistent. I plan on achieving all my goals by doing exactly that. Being consistent and original and creative. Coming up with brand new ideas that are truly yours and making them happen is so exciting and something you don’t see a lot nowadays. I have some stuff in the works as well as some new ideas brewing!
Favorite lyric you ever wrote?
Tell me if you wake up in the morning and you don’t love me no more, tell me was there someone else your feelings faded or did you just get bored” this line captures exactly what overthinking in a relationship feels like for me. A million possible answers to one question. When in truth the answer doesn’t matter because it doesn’t stop the outcome. For me this lyric just hits home.

Was there ever a moment when you felt like giving up?
When I first started I have no idea how to go about getting my name out there and getting my music produced and put into an actual song. I knew that I could sing and I knew that I could write and that was it. I started sharing my music on TickTock to hopefully gain some traction which luckily was the case. But even after gaining a following I had no way of making the songs that I was writing in my bedroom become a tangible song. Then I met Jack. He reached out to me and basically told me that I better get songs released. Ever since that conversation we have been working on music nonstop and he has been able to bring all my songs to life and more. I am forever grateful for him. And feel beyond blessed to have someone on my team working with me to bring my dreams into a reality.
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Never give up, bet on yourself, invest in yourself, and don’t over complicate. These pieces of advice have helped me so much. I used to be so worried and consumed with the idea that if I did not have overnight success my career would not work out. I’ve been learned that sometimes overnight success is not the best way to go about a music career. Building a following on a steady and slower pace is good! It allows you to develop a deep connection with your listeners and really grow with them. I think it is so important to have real confidence in your abilities. What I mean by real confidence is not having the need to get Other‘s approval or let others opinions dampen your goals dreams and visions.
Where do you think the next game changer will be in the music industry and entertainment scene?
I am always hoping that the next song I release will be the game changer. However I do have some exciting new projects that are very original that I think will stand out. My biggest goal is to create music that people relate to and can feel comfort and connected to. Maybe it’ll be a viral TickTock song or maybe it’ll be a lucky hit on Spotify. Whatever it is! It’s coming!