This is the third song off of the upcoming album- a concept piece based on the mono-myth paradigm developed by Joseph Campbell. When you listen to it start to finish, the album takes you on the hero’s journey.
This song is the part of the journey where the hero is introduced to the deity or mentor type figure that helps them on their quest. Through his thoughtful and masterfully crafted music, Mark and the Tiger is inspiring audiences around the world.
Originally from Maine, Mark has lived in Los Angeles for the past 10 years and has spent that time discovering who he is as an artist and what that means for his music. His debut EP “Little Adventures” is a showcase of that journey.
Each song representing a different piece of the puzzle and another layer to what will ultimately become Mark and the Tiger. His upcoming album, “The Hero’s Journey”, was recorded at Revolver Studio in Los Angeles with the Grammy Award nominated producer, Mikal Blue, and is set to arrive in 2022. It is the amalgamation of all his past work. A musical trip through Mark’s own Hero’s Journey.
“The horse you can hear at the beginning of the song is actually a horse I used to ride named Tanner. We were at a competition when I took that video of him screaming at another horse.”
He reveals
With equal parts Folk music, Pop, and Rock & Roll, Mark’s music is a celebration of storytelling. This is a world that encourages its listeners to open up about their experiences: hardships and triumphs. Through his music, Mark opens up about his own experiences as a human being trying to understand themselves and their place in the world.

I had the ‘La la la’ refrain saved as a voice memo in my phone for ages but had no idea what I was going to do with it. When I finally came up with the idea to make the ‘Hero’s Journey’ album I suddenly saw the whole story of ‘The La La’ came flooding into my brain.”
“I loved writing this song because I really got to pull from moments of nostalgia. The bridge especially is straight from days when I was in college and I would drive around with my friends, music blasting, smoking cloves out the windows.”