Rules is the brand new single from Katherine Aly out on 26 November 2021. Rules is the follow-up single to her recent ones Glow & Ignite and Pariah; the former was Single of the Week on BBC Radio Scotland‘s flagship culture programme The Afternoon Show, received lots of love & multiple spins via BBC Introducing with Phoebe I-H and Shereen Cutkelvin saying, “..that hook is SO catchy, we’ll be singing it for sure. Katherine is definitely reeling us in with those ear worms..” and “.. It’s a pop song, I love it, I love it!” Additional airplay came courtesy of BBC Rapal, Amazing Radio and a feature in The Skinny. The latter got multiple spins on BBC Introducing (Scotland and Rapal) and Amazing Radio UK and US, alongside dithyrambic reviews on its poignant music video addressing all types of discrimination.
Katherine Aly was featured in Vogue Italia, was Artist of the Week in The Scotsman, championed by Tenement TV and airplay on radio stations across the US, Canada, France, Hong Kong, South Africa and as far afield as Australia and was nominated for Best Female Artist on the Online Radio Awards 2020.
Katherine said about Rules: ‘Rules is all about recognising and accepting weakness as a natural part of life in the process of learning and growing while at the same time being inspired by people you feel specially connected with’.
What’s your story as an artist?
I’m a Greek girl writing and releasing music in Scotland! I’ve experimented with various genres in the past both as a solo artist and when collaborating with other artists but I’m currently focusing on alternative pop, writing about personal stories and how they resonated with other people and their life experiences.
What inspired this last release?
Rules is a song I wrote quite a while ago when I was finding it particularly hard to accept change in my life and I felt like there are all these situations that I had to adjust to, all these rules to follow that I had no power on whatsoever. At the same time when in trouble I always find peace in getting inspired by people I admire, usually friends, partners or other artists in terms of how they seem to be dealing with their own struggles. And over time I realised that when feeling overwhelmed or powerless from time to time, relinquishing control and accepting what’s happening is the only way to be ok with the truth of impermanence.
What are some sources of inspiration for your storytelling?
The fact that we all seem to be on similar paths in life, by which I mean that our stories, although coming from different circumstances, have some sort of a common template and music is what makes us all feel connected in our life experiences, good or bad. The mere feeling that both myself and my listeners don’t feel alone because we’ve had similar experiences is what inspires me the most; feeling heard and understood; and of course connecting in real life too when I go out there and play my songs to them live, that’s a strong motivation for giving my stories musical and lyrical form.
Any funny anecdotes from the time you were recording or writing this?
I don’t know if it’s funny or incredibly ironic, but I recorded Rules in the weekend before the UK went into first lockdown in March 2020… I felt so inspired and passionate about singing about ”rules” without even knowing what was coming…
What’s your favorite place or environment to write?
I’ve never thought of that actually! I suppose I always write in my room; I need the privacy to develop initial ideas. I’m happy to co-write later on but I think solitude is key for me to start working on a new song.
What’s a record that shaped your creativity?
If I have to choose one that would be Grace by Jeff Buckley; at least that was the first time I felt my creativity was being shaped! Many records have felt the same ever since but I’ll never forget the impact these songs had in the way I sing and think about songwriting.

Who is an artist or band you look up to today?
If I could magically be any artist in the word I would choose to be Hannah from London Grammar! I really like this band’s trajectory and their unique sound but also how their music is very popular without being cheesy or trendy and how they themselves are well-established artists but not celebrities.
Any future projects?
Certainly! I was very pleased to receive funding from Creative Scotland this year in order to continue writing and releasing music so there’s a lot more to come… best way to keep updated is to follow me on social media and the streaming platform of your preference!
What is your view on genres and music styles since you mix a lot of them in your music?
I’ve always admired artists that had the guts to adjust and change their style over time, despite many of their fans claiming to only like their first couple of albums… What’s that about?! Nowadays I think it’s more acceptable if not preferable for artists to show diversity. And why not? Music will never stop evolving so why being stuck in one genre? I find constant inspiration from artists and genres I keep discovering and that does affect the way I write so I think I’ll never stop identifying as genre-agnostic!
What does music and art mean to you?
To me music and art is life’s salt and pepper; they give meaning to it. It’s the easiest way for introspection but also the easier way to connect with other human beings without even knowing them in person necessarily. Music and art make me feel in the moment, grounded and elevated at the same time.
How would you describe your act in one word?
Collective. I work with some beautiful and really talented human beings that make my dreams come true and we’re all together in this! At the same time we produce something that is everyone’s; if you find your voice through my music then that’s mission accomplished for me!