Photo credit Zhong Lin

At the start of the pandemic tenderhooks had her life figured out – or so she thought. She lived in New York for the better part of a decade, had a steady career in tech, and a long-term relationship. However, this time of isolation and global uncertainty led to a reevaluation or reckoning of long term goals, aspirations, and values for her. She left everything and first moved back to her native Ireland, then found home in London. As she plunged into a radically new existence, music became a curative, heal-all outlet, hence the development of her moniker and forthcoming 3-track self titled EP. The resulting project is the classiest F-U to her old life! 

“The song started as an anti-love song, about an empty connection. It sat around for a year without a chorus. And over time the meaning of the relationship changed, got deeper —  which you can hear in the choruses; they’re more intimate than the verses. After that break in the writing the song meaning flipped. Now it feels more raw to me than the rest of the EP.”