It’s been said that the upkeep of local jails shows the quality of a country. It’s even been said that the cleanliness of a bathroom dictates how well a house is maintained and how messy someone’s bedroom is indicates how messy they are on the inside.
While all of the above may be common knowledge, we are still experiencing a paradigm shift in the modern world.
The anxiety-stricken “I apologize for the mess” that used to accompany a messy bedroom is now a relic of the past. No one brings home a one night stand and freaks out over a dirty sock on the floor anymore.
It’s this kind of idea that inspired the second chapter of our creative collaboration with The House of Adora.
We are not afraid or embarrassed to expose our messy life to the public eye. In fact, we relish in our messiness, take selfies in our self-destruction, and feel zero need to filter anything.
Do with that what you will, but we decided to make it a fashion statement. At the end of the day, fashion will thrive, even when surrounded by a pile of garbage.

Stay tuned for House of Adora, part three.
Photographer: @sdillonphoto
Model: @bernadine_elizabeth
Vest: @jp_custom_clothing
Styling: @goodrockinmama