Effortlessly fusing pop with elements of soul and funk, Rose names artists like Amy Winehouse, Sia and Joy Crookes as her main influences, and thrives off the ability to portray different themes and emotions through her intimate and evocative storytelling.

With its upbeat instrumental and thought-provoking lyrics, Rose wants the track to act as a message of accepting how diverse we all are

Tell us about your latest release ‘Evil Side’ and how it came about? 

I wrote ‘Evil Side’ four years ago, on a bus, travelling to a rehearsal. I was in a dark place at the time and creating this song helped me see a light in the tunnel. At the beginning of this year I finally decided to turn it into a single and share my story with the world. I had the best time recording it with my friend and producer Tommy Sigalov. Once we locked the groove in, it was a sheer pleasure to jam with other musicians and write all parts for it.  Fun fact, a frog sneaked into our garden studio when we were recording final vocals.

What should a song or piece of art communicate in your opinion? 

​​A feeling, whether it’s ours or someone else’s. I truly believe we were blessed with art to communicate our darkest, most deepest thoughts. Sometimes it’s hard to show our true selves in a casual conversation. Art gives us a chance to express our feelings using our own experiences.

Who were your top 3 artists last year? 

I listened to so many artists the past year, but my top 3 would have to be Joy Crookes, Erykah Badu and Olivia Dean.

What do you do when you’re feeling uninspired? 

I try not to beat myself up over it, relax and experience new things. Journaling helps as well; many of my songs started with a random 3am journal note. 

What are your 2022 projects and goals?

I haven’t released songs in over 4 years, so finally being able to share my music is my ultimate 2022 goal. By the end of this year I plan to share two singles with you. Beginning of 2023 will be even more exciting as my debut EP is due to come out in February. 

Favorite movie or TV show? 

I’m the type of person who likes to rewatch things. I cannot count how many times I’ve seen ‘Big Bang Theory’. It calms me down (I also hear ‘you’re just like Sheldon’ quite often).

What is something you would want to change in the music and entertainment industry?

Women position. We’re constantly being undermined, patronised. I feel like a lot of men still don’t take us seriously. As a young, female artist I worked with a lot of men in London; only a handful treated me with respect and listened to my opinions. I also know I’m not the only one feeling this way, so I want to support all female creators out there. Our time is coming ladies. 

Can you outline your creative process?

It usually starts with lyrics and a vocal topline. This is the most exciting part of my creative process as ideas come to me in the least expected places (the hook for my EP intro came to me on a boat in Portugal). Then I lock in a chord progression and structure the song. After I have a basic demo ready I share it with some of my music friends and everyone writes their part in: drums, bass, guitars, piano. At that point of the process we just follow the song’s growth and finish the track organically. I never know what the song will turn out to be in the end and that’s exciting!

Who inspires your style and aesthetics? 

I’ve always been inspired by the three most important women in my life: my mum, sister and a childhood friend. They are fierce, courageous and gorgeous looking. I do like to mix craziness and glam with smart and elegant. 

What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?

I am most proud of my newest project ‘One Fourth Mark’ debut EP. This is the first time I had full creative control of the process. This album is autobiographical; I’m happy I finally found the courage to tell my story, because I think people will relate to it.

What do you think an artist should sing about nowadays?

Anything they want! There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ things to sing about. Whatever tickles your soul, write it down. Music doesn’t have boundaries, so why should we limit ourselves? 

Do you have any regrets?

I don’t think so. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I met certain people, worked certain jobs, because I was meant to do it. Yes, I made some really stupid mistakes in my life, but who hasn’t. Hitting the bottom made me realise it can only get better from now on. If I could go back in time though, I would have moved to London much earlier. 

What is some piece of advice you would give to yourself right now?

Don’t give up. So simple, but it is my mantra. I wouldn’t be where I am now, if I gave up years ago. There’s still so much I want to achieve. I won’t get there, if I give up.