1. What do you think makes “Numb” stand out?
I think all of my music stands out in some way, because of my voice. I think every song I’ve ever released has always sounded like a Kate Stewart song. My melodies are quite cohesive, and I’d like to think my voice stands out from the rest. I think the music I make, and my voice don’t sound like anything else that’s out at the moment.
2. What was the creative process for this track?
I wrote this track about two years ago, when I was in New York. I was in the studio with Swagg R’Celious, it was our first ever session together, and we clicked straight away, both on a personal and a musical level. We totally understand each other, and he got what I was trying to say, and what I was trying to portray with the song straight away. It was a super easy session, I think we actually finished this song in a few hours, and we both fell in love with it.
3. What inspired your lyrics?
I was inspired by that feeling you get when you know that you’re in the wrong relationship and it’s coming to an end. The feeling when you’re neither here nor there, you’re not totally out of love, but the emotions have weakened, and the love isn’t what it used to be. I’ve had these feelings in the past, and it’s very hard to come to terms with. But sometimes you just have to be selfish. When you know something is wrong, it can be the most anxious feeling, and I just wanted to write about that.
4. What message do you want to convey with this?
That you aren’t alone. Ending a relationship, or feeling like you need too is a really hard thing to do, it happens to the best of us and it’s got to be done. You have to be happy, and feeling numb in a relationship is not going to make you happy. Life is too short to not always live your life to the fullest. Being in a mediocre relationship won’t cut it, it has to be the best of the best!

5. What do you feel like when you listen back to this song?
I feel numb! (laughs). The lyrics are quite bittersweet in a way, everyone has been in that uncomfortable position at some point in their life, but the beat makes you want to stand up and sing along. Fans are loving the song and a lot of them have been writing me messages telling me how much they love the song, and that’s the best feeling in the world!