Credit: Tyler McIntyre

Nirvana” is about using somebody else to perpetuate your own self-abuse. Inspired by the concept of masochism as a defense mechanism, it follows the story of someone choosing to continue a relationship they know is unhealthy because the gratification they get from it gives them a sense of control.

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What inspired this last release?

“Nirvana” is about using somebody else to perpetuate your own self-abuse. Inspired by the concept of masochism as a defense mechanism, it follows the story of someone choosing to continue a relationship they know is unhealthy because the gratification they get from it gives them a sense of control. 

What is something you can’t live without?

The love and support of my family and friends. If you want a slightly less gooey answer, I’ll say music itself.

Any funny anecdotes from the time you were recording or writing this?

Not really funny, but this song was DIFFICULT to finish. My producer and I knew we wanted to challenge ourselves and incorporate hyperpop elements into a more mainstream style of pop with these huge guitar lines and whatever else – we had a lot of big ideas – but pulling it all together into its final, very cool form (if I do say so myself) proved to be quite the feat. We are very happy with how it turned out though, and the months of writing/fiddling were definitely worth it.

What’s your favorite thing to do besides music?

I’m a writer beyond lyrics as well; I’m working on a novel and always have some short stories on the go, so I’d probably have to say that’s my favourite thing to do besides music. I’m a pretty avid gamer as well though, so that’s how I usually unwind.

What’s a record or artist that shaped your creativity?

Banks and Charli XCX are the artists I would say have inspired me the most. Although, in the middle of recording the EP Nirvana will eventually be a part of, Halsey dropped her album ‘If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power’, and I was just obsessed with it so, you’ll definitely see some of that inspiration bleed into a few of the tracks

Who is an artist or band you look up to today?

Same answer as above really. Billie Eilish would definitely be on the list as well.

What excites you the most about what you do?

I’m finally doing what I love. For years, I chased the popstar fame dream, making top 40 style pop that I didn’t love but thought would bring me success (and I did have a lot of success with it which I’m hugely grateful for) but now I’ve really found my own style, my own sound, and I’m so much happier to be creating music for the art of it rather than because I think it’s what I’m supposed to make.