Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
I started working on this project probably two years ago, I had some songs taken out and some added, for example Imagination Inflation was a last minute switch. Limelight was supposed to be an album, but for an up-and-coming artist I thought it was better for me to begin my journey with an EP. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to finalize this EP and the work most certainly paid off!
How would you describe the highs and lows of being an artist?
Being an artist takes a lot of patience and time. For me, being 15 when I started working on this EP as the producer, songwriter and performing artist, I had some hard times finding myself as an artist, since I didn’t know what my sound was yet. Despite all the hard times I went through both creatively and music-wise, the aftermath of releasing and sharing my music has motivated me work even more and share my creativity with the world. In conclusion, trust your instincts and believe in yourself, you are your own competition!
Who are your all time musical icons?
My all time musical icons are most definitely; Jun Fukamachi, A tribe called quest, Rina Sawayama and A$AP Rocky!
What are some sources of inspiration for you?
Nightlife is what inspires me the most when it comes to my lyrics, probably 70% of the songs I’ve written are centered around the nightlife in my hometown, Prishtina or in my birthplace, New York. There is something about how people act, how I perceive the weather and how the world feels different during the night, that fascinates me and inspires me to tell a story through music.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
It has to be Rina Sawayama, she is a great role model and I am so thankful that she has the opportunity to share her art with each and every one of us. Also, she can serve vocals and looks FOR DAYS, so that’s a plus too!

Favorite activity to blow off some steam?
Honestly, making bead necklaces with my little sister! I used to be so obsessed with bracelet-making kits when I was young and found a bead kit while I was shopping one day… it’s been a year now since I started making jewelry out of beads weekly and it’s the most therapeutic activity I’ve ever done in my life! Plus I genuinely have a lifetime supply of plastic beads, so if you guys need any necklaces, bracelets, earrings… I got you!
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
I just released my debut EP “Limelight” and it undoubtedly has to be one of those pinch-me moments, because I cannot believe the amount of love and support I’m getting right now!
“Limelight” used to be a club in New York where everyone felt free to express themselves, but, apart from the glitz and glamour the club had its ups and downs too. With this EP I hope to pay tribute to the victims of these unfortunate events, and also acknowledge the artists, models, painters and musicians all made Limelight a comforting space for the attendees like Madonna, Grace Jones, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol. Each song tells a different story, gives a different vibe and has a different sound, just like the “Limelight” attendees.
What are some things you do to deal with anxiety and creative blocks?
Rest and “mental detox” as I call it, is the most effective thing for my creative blocks and anxiety. I openly talk about my anxiety and I think that resting and spending time at home has helped me a lot with it. As I mentioned earlier, being an artist takes a lot of patience and time, so it’s best to be easy on yourself and speaking from experience, meditate as much as you can!
What’s the future looking like for you?
I have a lot of projects in store and am looking forward to releasing them very soon. All I can say is, expect the unexpected!
Who inspires your style and aesthetics?
Fashion-wise my mom has always been my main source of inspiration, she has helped me express myself through looks and I’m eternally grateful. I would also like to say that my mom, Margarita, is my personal stylist too 🙂
What is the achievement or moment in your career you are the most proud of and why?
Probably, the release of my EP. I think that Limelight is a project that represents me and my versatility as an artist the best way possible. I’ve worked so hard on it and am so happy that it’s out!
What do you think is the best way to make it as an artist nowadays?
I believe that to make it as an artist nowadays, you need to have a platform to express your creativity, speak up and engage with your audience. It is way easier to make it as an artist during this time since social media has helped many of us promote our work and get our voices heard around the globe!
Where do you think the music and entertainment industry is headed after this past year?
I think that the biggest influence this past year has been the pandemic. It has not only given artists more time to work on their craft, but also forced them to spend some time alone and become more open to new creative things, in order to find their true, original self, which we now see more often on new releases. Because of this, I believe that in the future the music and entertainment industry will go through a great deal of exploration and produce sounds we have never heard before.