Rising star Ambar Lucid is defying the norms. The Dominican / Mexican songstress has been at the forefront of the new wave of Indie Latinx artists in America and has no plans to slow down. Now, Ambar unveils her highly anticipated EP Get Lost In The Music.
Ambar’s eclectic sound and dynamic lyricism continues to take her listeners to her own dimension. The entrancing “Un Animal (Divina Existencia)” leads the way with a vibrant, acid washed visualizer that embraces the journey within.
Ambar was raised not too far from New Jersey and spent her childhood dreaming of a brighter future singing to her abuela, and finding refuge in pop artists such as Kali Uchis, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Selena Gomez. Her dreams eventually manifested themselves into reality as she soon realized that music was and could be her destiny.
An ambitious and multi-talented artist, she developed into a self -taught ukulele, piano, and guitar player. With her new skills formed by Youtube and her dreams of being an artist, she began to upload her music to Soundcloud. There, her superior command of music and it’s components inherently attracted a large and passionate fanbase who would eventually contribute to nearly 4 million views on Youtube.
Tell us about the genesis of your project. How did you get to where you are now?
I would say the Genesis of my project was kind of self discovery and just accepting all aspects of myself. And I guess like the things that I was experiencing internally while writing the song was just kind of the revelations that I would have were kind of similar, like the general message during the time period that I was writing this album was that I needed to love and trust myself more than I already was.
How do you think your heritage influences your music?
I think it influences me in different ways. I think subconsciously it influences my melodies and like certain rhythms that I come up with for my melodies. And then consciously, I feel like it just encourages me to be the best version of myself so that I can represent my culture the way that I really feel proud of and in a way that inspires other people. So my heritage just encourages me to be the best version of myself that I could possibly be.
What’s a musical guilty pleasure of yours?
Probably like old Disney channel music.
What are some sources of inspiration for you?
Tarot watching movies, watching other artists perform, traveling, and going on Pinterest.
Who is an artist that you look up to more than others today?
Billie Eilish
Favorite activity to blow off some steam?
Dance meditation.
Tell us about your latest release and how it came about
Okay. So my latest release Get Lost in the Music. I believe this EP when I was in the process of writing these songs, I was definitely putting less pressure on myself than ever before. I just kind of was just allowing myself to have fun genuinely and to talk about whatever I truly felt like talking about. And also the environment of the sessions for the songs were very chill and laid back. And it honestly didn’t even feel like I was working on a project. It just felt like I was kind of journaling my experiences and hanging out with friends and songs just happened to come out of those experiences.
How would you describe your musical style to a stranger?
I usually go with bilingual, indie pop, alternative rock.
What’s the future looking like for you?
I have no idea. The future’s not set in stone, but I am hoping that all of my dreams come true. I healed from all my trauma and that I live the best life that I could possibly live.
What inspires your visuals, videos, looks etc?
TV shows like aesthetic shows, like Pose and Generation. Also like movies and photography that I find that I come across on Pinterest. Also music videos.

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
It’s okay to put your wellbeing first before anything else.
Where do you think the music and entertainment industry is headed after this past year?
I have absolutely no clue. But I do know that my part in it is to make sure that there is a healing aspect to entertainment.